Chapter XXXVIII: Tale Of Confession

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Paecus' words were like drummer clanging in Artemis's mind that her sleep could not go peacefully. The decisions always at the knot being pulled apart but somehow the tighter the knot, the harder the force made
Artemis head ached more. Sensing the method of trying to close her eyes and forget everything didn't work, Artemis decided to take a walk. Creaking opened the door of her room, the corridor had no one in sight made Artemis mind a little more relaxed. Normally she would be nervous and cautious, but somehow tonight that loneliness didn't affect her. She made her walk outside the hotel, it turned out to be a resort more than just an accomodation. The two building blocks where they slept were divided by a garden in the middle with different kind of trees and shrubs and flowers. In the middle of the garden had a stream. Though Artemis never tried to discover the source, but this water had a strange colour like rainbow. As she walked across the garden, Moonlace bowed down at her feet as Artemis smiled, their pollens sparkling as they dropped on the green grass like fairy dust with such beauty that nothing can compare. The sky was an eddy of molten amethyst, sapphire, and ruby, all bleeding into a final pool of onyx. She wanted to swim in it, to bath in its colour and feel the stars twinkling between her fingers. As she walked, all the spirit sang in their harmony of peace between the flowers and the bushes, and the moonlight danced on top of the grass as they opened the path for her. There when she reached the wooden bridge that led across the stream to another building, her steps stopped. He was sleeping on that side, should she continue to go forward, or just retreat back to her room? Her palms turned sweaty as the skin felt the slippery of its own, her heart pouncing and like a the hammer that forced upon a stone and the void in her heart, Artemis slowly stepped back. She was scared, for the first time she was scared walking up to a male and she understood why. Is this how people have a feeling for someone? She hated it how it made her weak and so pathetic. She knew she had the strength to face all this, but the thought of gazing upon his face made her heart skipped again. So there she turned away from the bridge.

But her movement stopped when her eyes caught him. He was there looking at her just from the other side of the bridge as he was too surprised to see her. There the singing of trees in the night breeze stopped and the sounds of crickets froze and it seemed only the moon that was active that moment as its light like the light on stage and they were two actors that were about to step in and perform on that bridge.

She wanted to walk away, she did. But the moment he made his step forward, it was her own legs that betrayed her and moved towards him. They met at the middle of the bridge, and Artemis had nothing to say nor dare to look into his eyes. She suddenly found interest on her feet and Percy just kept trying to clear his throat, yet no word expected to come.

"Y-you can't sleep?" Artemis managed to break the silence since it was too awkward for her to keep going.

"Ye-yeah" he scratched his head. "You too?"

Artemis slightly nodded and she turned to her side, focusing on the water flowing between rocks under the bridge below, trying not to face him or she would just start blabbing stuffs or screw something up. Percy followed her and turned to his side as also he too observing the fish in the water.

"Careful" he said. "Don't get too excited and fall into the water there. That would be suck"

Artemis chuckled. "It's not like this is my first seeing fish Kelp Head. Besides, if I fell into the water, I'd just take your shirt to dry myself anyway"

"Hey that's bullying right there" he accused, arching his eyebrows in a cute way that Artemis wanted to smile.

"There's no mummy for you to cry Perseus" Artemis waved her hand and turned her attention back to the water. Percy sighed as he rested his elbow on the rail and as Artemis peaked at the corner of her eye, he was smiling while staring up at the starry sky.

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