Chapter XXXVII: Tale In The City Of Love

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The ray of light penetrated the room, scanning on Artemis's cheek as they sparkled with her silver radiant. Her long eyelashes shuttered and the curtains opened for her silver eyes to shine. She stared directly at his chest, her eyes widened when Artemis realised the position they were in. Half of her was on his body, her leg swung around one of his and her arm around his torso as if he was a giant bolster that Artemis struggled to have a whole wrap around it. Then his eyes, that sea green eyes blinked and opened to descent on her face. Artemis fluttered as she looked away. His arm automatically unwrapped around her waist and she broke free of that embarrassment.

Artemis jolted up, clapped her hands at her chest as Percy still laid there confusingly. Even though they had been sleeping on the same bed for a time, but no matter how many times they've slept together like this, it still sent her heart pacing and her mind running places every morning she opened her eyes to see him. Normally it was just Percy clinging at her back and her hugging the bolster, but this morning with his arms around her and she hugged him like her life depended on it, it was off the roof that now Artemis just wanted to dig a hole into Hades and throw her head in it. The silver pyjamas dress she wore now felt exposed more than everything. At the beginning, Percy always complained how she always wore her uniform to go to sleep. It wasn't like she wanted to, she couldn't just wear comfortable clothes to sleep with a male next to her, but over time that feeling of security wear off and she was now felt more confident to return to her pyjamas around him. But the problem was she could never be in her 12 version since Percy kept making fun of her in the pyjamas and told her adorable and stuff, so she decided to changed into a teenager age, that somehow shut him up completely. It was like the older she looked, the more authority she had. But now that teenager look back fired her since the pyjamas was a bit smaller, her breasts looked more exposed and plus the bras that didn't help  the situation. She wonder why Percy had never noticed it, perhaps he had no interest on her? The thought made Artemis looked down a bit, but she quickly shook that ridiculous thought off and dropped off the bed. 

"Stop being a snail riding a sloth and get up Perseus" she said, her back facing him. "The hunters will be angry if you serve them late breakfast"

"They're probably still waking anyway" Percy yawned, stretched a little.

"I won't let Paecus think that I favour you because you're carrying my blood and not applying my discipline!" Artemis turned back, her eyes glowed fire as the sleep immediately left his face. "Get up before I force you to"

Percy jumped off the bed, rushed towards the bathroom and Artemis heard the sound of teeth brushing hastily and water splashing and smirked to herself, at least he knew who was the boss in camp. It wasn't that she wanted to be harsh on him, ever since the incidence which Artemis never wanted to remain, she wouldn't want to terrify him to the point he has to leave again. Two times were enough.

He ran out and past her but her sharp eyes catches something.


He came to a halt, Artemis wanted to laugh as he tensed when she approached from behind. She faced him as he looked down at her. Stupid girl stereotypes and werewolf blood  that I can only reach your chin! She scowled at her height.

Artemis reached out her hand and Percy swallowed nervously until her fingers touched his shirt button that was not done probably and buttoned it.

"Be mindful walking around camp" her finger traced on that shirt button, inspecting it. "The hunters maybe comfortable with you, but they won't appreciate this."

He wanted to say something, but her demand 'go' sent his feet automatically walking to the door. The feeling of her fingers still lingered on his shirt.

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