Chapter XI: Tick Tock Of The Tale

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Artemis walked through the street of Olympus. She had been gone more no longer than a week and it felt like years for her since she last seen it. Despite the fact she hated coming here, it was still part of her home. Talk about it, she hadn't gotten any contact with her hunters since she left to Leto's island. They must have been worry sick otherwise Apollo wouldn't have come and found out. Now with all the incident and problems she had in her mine, nothing really mattered to her besides trying to find away to keep Perseus's existence a secret.

As she walked pass the public square, where most the trades and activities usually held. She never liked the place, perhaps too many drunks and males around here. But everyone on Olympus beside her loved this boisterous place for her curiosity.

A nymph bowed at her as many people made way for her to pass made Artemis feel proud, yet a bit irritated since she had spent a lot of time treating her hunters equal as her. She smiled at the girls to show respect and her manner, glaring at any male who dared to steal a glance. And of course, they knew their stand so almost the entire male on Olympus in the public square bow with their eyes fixed on the white stones street wherever she came.

As she was walking up on the steps toward the throne room, her head was still trying to figure out how to convince Apollo not to spill or to draw to much attention, someone ran up from behind and locked their arm around  her neck. Who the hell have the guts?

"Good morning Artemis!"

Oh great the last person she wanted to see at the moment.

"Great" Artemis rolled her eyes. "What do you want Aphrodite?"

"Aw common" she pouted. "Is that how you treat your best-friend?"

Artemis got away from her hold and turned back to face Aphrodite.

"Ok first of all" she snapped. "I'm not your best friend because we have completely opposite nature. Second of all, just because we were in the same team in the pass doesn't mean now you're my best friend"

"Ouch!" She leaned away. "That's hurt. Common Artemis, you know I've always been on your side and help you. At least show me a little nicer greet and attitude."

"Fine" Artemis gave a sarcastic smile. "Hello my old bestie Aphrodite. How are you and how have you been with the males you bring into your room at night? Happy?"

Artemis ignored her and kept on her destination. Aphrodite ran up, dashed in front of Artemis to block her way.

"Seriously?" Artemis raised her eyebrows.

"Don't be such a meanie" Aphrodite whined. "What's the trouble you are having?"

Artemis stared at her in shock. Surely she never underestimated Aphrodite since she was one of the oldest person on Olympus. Everyone would've thought her being a slut around Olympus, but when coming down to business, she's as smart and reliable as Athena. In the past Artemis had experienced that with Aphrodite, of course she knew Aphrodite would be one of the first to notice the change. But she didn't expect to be that fast.

"N-nothing" Artemis said, giving her a straight face.

"Common tell me" Aphrodite caught her arm. "I've known you for more than three thousand years Artemis. There's nothing you can hide from me without me finding out eventually"

Artemis stared into Aphrodite's eyes anxiously. A single sweat rolled down her cheek. She knew she couldn't hold eye contact for long when she was lying.

"Oh can you let go of me!?" She yanked Aphrodite's hand off. "I have business to attend you know!"

Artemis got around Aphrodite and started walking up towards the throne room for the second time. Lucky for her, Aphrodite didn't chase after but instead she said some word made the stubborn goddess to freeze.

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