Chapter XLI: Kinsman Blood

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Dawn drew near as its sorrow followed the departing of the Red Moon. It sprayed and marked its last presence upon the grey sky with red; and it shimmered afar  before being consumed by the lights of the fiery sun. Yet its warning did not cease to pass.

For Artemis was now brought back to her camp, deep within the green woods and her life was stretched wide upon a thin rope. Percy steps were swift and yet heavy for his heart was filled with concerns. Paecus and Apollo managed to follow his tail, for Percy carried Artemis in his wolf form and none beings were said could catch up with the wolves.

Her silver bed Artemis laid upon, and the dreadful wound on her arm stained the bed sheet for the Ichor could not stop flowing no matter how they tried. The fire grew dim as her radiant slowly decreased and the Moonlace at the sides of her throne darkened and dried with death. Percy tended her,  drying her sweat sodden forehead for now the poison was spreading. Her lips and skin was pale and cold as snow, the colour of her cheeks faded as her auburn hair started to turn white, like the colour of sheets. Yet her features still remained the beauties and fair of an immortal. But she was ageing. For the poison of werewolves striped away the immortality; and for years the gods aboded and made in that fair forms, but inside they were just ashes like of decayed mortal flesh. For their roots were once mortally, and with death, they returned to ashes.

Another hour passed and they managed to stop her Ichor from flowing, for her essence escaped along with the golden liquid. Yet they didn't have time, for her presence in the room seemed dismissed and they hardly sensed her power.

"Apollo" Percy turned to him as he watched Artemis trembled by the fever and it broke his heart. "Is there anyway to cure the poison, or at least to stop it for awhile?"

But the god of the sun, of medicine and the father of Asclepius whom resurrected the deaths was silent and his face was darkened and just stared at the floor.

Percy inside was tumultuous and patient he heeded little. The anger took him as he roared in frustration and held Apollo collar shirt.

"Tell me dammit!"

But Apollo was angered and he kicked Percy away.

"Don't tempt me Perseus!" He bellowed "you know I love her above all and I would doing anything to save her. But there's none..."

The last sentence he sighed and spoke with despair and hope was lost within him. There he just sat on the floor and disoriented and the morning was dark that day.

Paecus out of the three was calmest, yet he was troubled. He stood and traced far through memory the time he dwelled with the werewolves; of their teachings, their lore and medicines and yet it seemed to him that he hadn't gained enough of their trust to obtain the cure of their bites.

Percy legs stumbled and fell. He looked at Artemis from the floor and his eyes watery. The memories came to him of times they spent and he repented his curses and his angers toward her. For his love for her beyond the wide of the sea and sketched as far as the sky could reach. Seeing her in pain broke his heart and part of it was his doing.   

At that moment he wished Leto was beside him. To give him counsels and guidance for he was lost in despair and sorrows.  Then the Ichor of her that dropped on the floor spread toward him and wetted his shoes, a sudden memory flooded back to his mind and the hope filled his heart.

Many years ago, before the discovery of Artemis in the times of the Romans, his mother had asked him for his blood. Though he did not know the purpose of her doing. But he found out her dreadful wound was healed few days later after he shed his blood. At the time he did not know his identity nor his truths, so he thought the wound came from the Wolves within the forest. But now after everything he had known, it logically came back and fit into pieces. Leto did not ask for his blood that day for virtue he had assumed, but to cure the bite somehow he bite her in the full moon. The werewolf blood was the answer to their bites.

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