Chapter XXXVI: Tale Of A Legend

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"We found you" one of them said. "Werewolf"

Artemis stepped back in defend mode and gripped her dagger tight. She knew Zeus had dispatched many of them throughout the world in search for Perseus. Who would've thought this group would locate near her camp. She was so careless for not sensing their presence earlier. Percy now turned cautious, he wanted to step up but Artemis shielded him. He was not their opponent, they were well trained and immortal, even gods have to struggle if they come in large numbers. No matter what, she just can't let them both die here.

Artemis shot an arrow in front of them, the Olympian warriors stopped.

"Another step and this will in between your eyes" Artemis warned and drew another arrow.

"Lady Artemis" he bowed. "We came by the order of the king, your revolted action can be tolerated, but don't utilise it ere Olympus shall be on you"

"This man is no werewolf" she told them. "There must've been a mistake"

"We have fought with them Milady" the leader spoke. "Not until we die will ever forget their scent."

She could feel tension behind her, Perseus, he was angry. Though she didn't know of the history of her race and his. She knew they were ancient, but she was born after their time and had known not of their existence. Whatever happened in the first war, it had destroyed the alliance between her race and Perseus's forever.

Artemis was now in the corner, she could not run or lie no further. Either she let them capture him or kill them, the only problem is that if one of them escaped, Olympians will be chasing her the next day. Worst, these guys have tendencies to retreat when they see the situation is disadvantaged to them.

She shot another arrow as her answer at a guard, but it flew through him like he was just air.

"We are the king's soldiers" they said at once. "Unless there's order for us to be slaughtered, we won't die by immortal's weapon. Your action rebelled Olympus, we shall let the king's judgment decide thy fate"

So that they marched, their swords raised high, its celestial bronze gleamed intimidating in the night, their large shields protected them as their thunder feet advanced closer and closer. Artemis kept shooting as many arrows as possible, but it seemed to have no defect in them, even if it could, then it was just their shields that bounced off the arrow.

Artemis was panic,
she had no plan of how to save them both until a hand squeezed her shoulder, her muscles gave out to that squeeze. Percy stepped up as she looked at him.

"No" it came out just as a breathe.

"It's ok" he smiled. "I've promised to protect us both remember?"

Before Artemis could speak, he focus his attention now to the marching warriors and roared in that tremendous powerful sound that vibrated the ground and air, as the trees rustled that birds scattered from their nest.

He started running, straight towards the warriors as he lunged with his final push, the wolf presented under the sky. His black fur had Artemis long not seen, that lethal claw she witnessed the day on that island and the red eyes of lasers. The Warriors made a shield wall, but was no match for his brutal strength, crashing on them like an arrow from a ballista, destroyed their formation. He attacked with his claw, pushed them away with the snap of his teeth. He had taken down a few of them, but no matter what, he was by himself.

Slowly but surely he was surrounded. They made a circle around him, with shield as wall, spears centred him that confused his senses. And the first howl came. Tears streaked down Artemis eyes as she watched their spears piercing his flesh, the Ichor wet the ground as the pinned him down to his knees. She tried to run up, but two swordsmen clashed on her and held her at place.

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