Chapter X: Tale Spreads Dangers.

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Artemis was stunned, completely frozen from the view. Perseus or werewolf Perseus stood there, growling and folding his fists. She really needed Leto to be here right there, but her mother was no where to be seen. Perseus advanced to Apollo and all she could do was to protect him. She did the most stupid thing ever, she yelled at the werewolf.

"Perseus stop!"

He heard her and turned back faster than electricity, Artemis stepped back in fear. She knew what he was capable of. Artemis knew that wasn't Perseus, it was his inner monster that its bite could bring an end to her immortal life. Yet, she tried to push her luck.

"I-I know you are in there Perseus" She tried to sooth him. "Just listen to me and calm down ok. Look into my eyes and breathe deeply. Look at me ok"

She heard Apollo slowly crawled out from the scatter and Perseus turned to him, she reacted immediately.

"Hey don't look at him" She spoke out loud and that got Perseus's attention. She didn't know that was stupid or because she tried to be brave or just wanted to save Apollo. She slowly walked up to him.

Perseus leaned forward, he breathed out and bared his teeth, but he didn't attack her. Artemis kept her glance, her hand held out, kept walking to her potential danger.

"You gonna be just fine" she whispered.

He didn't growled at her now nor barring his teeth or to show the predator stare. She was so close to him that with a snatch and Perseus could take her head off. But at the moment, Artemis didn't feel fear anymore.

She didn't know why or how, but clearly her heart didn't beat like crazy and she didn't drop any single sweat. Slowly, her eyes still fixed on his bewildered red eyes. Her hand shakily tried to lay it on his cheek. He cringed away, bared his teeth again and she was afraid a bit that he would attack, but he didn't.

"Shh" she stopped him from leaning away and laid her palm on him. She stared deep into his eyes and at that moment, she found the Perseus she knew in it.

"It's ok" she whispered. "I will protect you"

The werewolf was standing on two legs and way bigger than Artemis, but he slowly, little by little moved his hand to put on her.

A smile slowly came on Artemis lips when Perseus eyes started to change when she opened her mouth in shock. Behind Perseus, where he had let his guard down because of her, Apollo was pulling back his arrow.

That was the moment when Perseus instinct of predator came back. He waved his arm, hit Artemis as it sent her straight to the wall behind her. Her back crashed on it and fell on the table just set underneath. She could feel her spine broke into pieces from the impact with the wall. She groaned out in pain and was unable to get up.

"Artemis no!" Apollo screamed and Perseus turned back.

Her vision was still blurry but she could saw a furry figure ran on four legs to her. Perseus nudged her with his snout and growled a little. Slowly, the feeling of his fur on her skin was replaced by the warm touch of skin. Perseus was back to normal.

"Gosh Artemis I'm so sorry" Perseus cried, caring her cheek, checking for more damages.

Artemis just smiled and shook her head. Although her bones were broken to pieces and it would take long to heal, but her heart had dropped to relief.

"Don't be" she told him.

Just then, she saw Apollo stormed and Perseus and gripped his shoulder then threw him away.

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