Chapter XXVI: Tale Of The Love's Presence

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They both startled as Percy jumped off Artemis immediately. His eyes were still panicked as his brain was still trying to compromise as least to remember what'd just happened between. That was until he turned to the person that interrupted their moment.

She was too hard for the description his brain could form. Too beautiful for his eyes could set, for his heart to beat and for him to breathe.

In front of him was a women, a goddess as he believed. She was elegantly without trying, fashionable without effort and stunning without makeup. She appeared with that ethereal, smooth and flawless skin. Her blonde curly Disney princess hair like Annabeth shinning under the sun. Her face was what made Perseus lost his breath, his heart to skip a beat. Those were Artemis, part of his mother and Hestia. This goddess possessed the prettiest trace of every woman he had met. But mostly Artemis. Her eyes kept changing the colour from stormy grey to silver, then to icy blue that to fiery orange and to shining gold. It was hard to describe, it confused his nerves. She was in that perfect shape, nothing to criticise in that elegant and elaborate pink dress, a crown of flowers upon her golden hair.

The place her feet touched seemed to be more lively, flower grew around her, grass coiling around with flowers, even some made those perfect shapes of the heart.

"It's seemed that I've interrupted something" her voice was elegant like the high class people with grace and contain a little amount of arrogance, yet flirtatious.

"It's a misunderstanding" Artemis swept her jacket and stared at her.

"So don't you mind to explain Artemis?" She smiled. Percy could not make any word to help Artemis. He was overwhelmed by her beauty, the unknown desire building up within him. Even the Moon beast was brought down by such astonishing sight of a being.


"And I wonder who this handsome man might be" the goddess didn't let Artemis have any chance to speak as she walked over to Percy and ran her finger on his chest.

Percy's knee felt like Jello at her touch, all his muscles just melt along with his brain. Those dazzling eyes like pools of spring water stared at his, made him just wanted to bow at her feet and her smile that would've lit up the dark side of the moon.

"I-I" he just stared at her, his lips and tongue had just curled together.

"APHRODITE stop using your power on him!" Artemis suddenly yelled that Percy suddenly got back his strength. Aphrodite gave out the cutest pout in front of him as she turned back to Artemis.

"Aww" She groaned. "It's not common to find Artemis close to a man like this. I just wanted to test his endurance"

"For what?" Artemis grumbled.

"To see if he's just like common man or worthy enough for even Artemis to be comfortable at his touches."

"And..." Artemis leaned closer. The look on her face that really wanted that answer only to worry Perseus even more.

"Hah you fell for it!" Aphrodite suddenly exclaimed as she pointed at Artemis. "I knew one day, one day Artemis would come to that!"

"I told you Athena! Suck it cus now you're owning me a hundred drachmas!" She then turned to the sky and shouted at it.

"I told you for the second time it's not what you think!" Artemis cried.

"How can I deny when you were in his arms, your lips were at the point of touching?" Aphrodite looked at her with a sneer. "And I can sense it Artemis"

"Sense what!?" Artemis grimaced as she snapped.

"There's definitely something going on between you two!" She clapped her hand.

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