Final Chapter: The Decision Of The Tale

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N/A surprise surprise 😂😂😁😆👌 I know you guys probably like WHATTTTT!!!!? But Ive already told you guys that this story is coming to its end and here it is. Yeah I know that you want it have more Pertemis moment but unfortunately, that will be just like Pertemis one shot. Also I've decided to finish this book so I don't have to worry about not updating anymore. Anyway, enjoy the last moment of my Pertemis. 😊😊😊🎉 don't worry. I'll say what is needed later on. Anyway, enjoy. ~.~

The flame flickering, its shadow danced upon the wall as Perseus sat by Artemis side patiently waiting for any changes. After he was sure she had drank Lucien blood, Paecus and Apollo now left for patrolling in case of any Olympian guards wandering around. She was changing to the better. The life came back to her beautiful face, her radiant was regaining its light and her hair had left that deathly white. Even though her eyes did not open, he knew she'd wake soon.

He grabbed her hands, holding them tight between his palms because his mind was not in peace.

For the death of Lucien set him the realisation of reality. He now understood why many people tried to stop their relationship. It wasn't him or her that would be in danger. But also the people around them. He loved her from the bottom of his heart, and he would sacrifice himself just to keep her safe. He dearest their moments, from despair to hope. His dream was always the same as the previous, that someday their relationship could change.

But he couldn't be selfish.

Their loves were great and they had faith in each other. But if that relationship would cause anyone around them harm, Percy did not want. For Lucien death casted a shadow in his heart, as an example of their relationship effect. It was his hand that killed him and by it he repented for his eternal life.

His ignorant now brought the consequences. For long he just thought about Artemis and she was always the priority. But now he knew reality was not just only that. Death would soon come to them, and she or he would either stain their hands with blood again.

He stroke her face, running his finger down her cheeks and he smiled but his heart quenched. He loved her so much that it broke him seeing her in pain. And because he loved her, he couldn't let her get hurt because of him again. His love for Artemis was great beyond the universe, but the Fates said they weren't meant for each other. He was her doom he knew that. But before he just wanted a little more time to dwell in that fantasy and ecstasy with her. But things have their limit, and Lucien death rung a bell for him to wake.

He had to leave. For her sake and her life, despite his heart cried with agony he had to get away from her. Because it was the only way to keep her safe. He was a knife that didn't  know when it would cut its holder, a flame near a fabric that didn't know when it would set it on fire.

"I'm sorry Artemis" he smiled, his finger tingling across her soft skin and his heart trembled with tears. "I love you beyond everything in the world. But my love will bring you death and ruin. The promise I made here I shall break. But you have to know that I do it for your sake."

Tear rolled down his eyes. For he knew his words could not penetrate through her unconscious mind. He expected her to be angry and furious and he hoped it. For her hatred could set them free easier from each other. But he feared most her heart would break and fall into despair, and again he would hurt her against his oath. He was still in doubt if her feeling to him was equally great, or perhaps it also contained sisterly love. He never loved her as his blood, for her beauty and her nature captured him the moment he saw her. If she loved him out of the caress and pity and responsibility, then his heart would be at peace.

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