Chapter XXVII: Tale Of The Demigods

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"Where are the demigods?" Percy asked when they appeared in the middle of the woods.

"I told you gods can't interfere" Aphrodite rolled her eyes. "Of course I can't just appear in front of them and say 'hey I brought this guy to save you cus I couldn't physically do it myself' genius."

"Relax" Percy raised his hands in surrender. "It was just a question"

"Do you know what appropriate question is and time" Aphrodite sighed. "Or even just think about will you? Gods now I can feel Artemis pain"

"No need for insulting"

"I was listing the facts" Aphrodite rolled her eyes again.

"You know what" Percy gave up on arguing, it wasn't that he was going to win in anyway. "How about we just drop this and tell me where they are so I can save them"

"How about you shut up and let me explain what are you going to to" Aphrodite put her hands on her hips.

That got him quite as Aphrodite gave out a sigh. She closed her eyes and started speaking.

"I'll sent you there" she said. "And here take this"

She threw him a ballpoint pen which he struggled to catch. Percy examined it. It was just a normal point pen with golden ink as well as the lid.

"So what now?" Percy frowned. "Writing poem and be a comedians for the monsters?"

"Just pull out the lid will you?"

He did as she wanted and immediately, the pen glowed so bright that Percy had to close his eyes. The moment he could see again, on his hand wasn't a pen any more. It was a sword.

"Whoa what the..." Percy stepped back in surprise.

"It's call Anaklusmos or Riptide" Aphrodite told him. "Stole it from Hercules"

"So what are you" Percy turned to her with a frown. "Goddess of thieves now."

"It wasn't like that" The goddess exclaimed. "He gave it to me. Not willingly through his initial mind of course. I charm-spoke him to."

Percy swung the sword. It felt perfectly balanced on his hand. He knew he wasn't good with weapons, but sword was still way better than archery and spears. He preferred close combat better.

Talk about archery, his heart suddenly felt heavy. The fact that he now was free from the chores, the hunters couldn't get to prank him anymore which would put them into a stage of boredom. Look like they had their own medicine. But he would not get to see Artemis anymore. He'd miss her ranting, and that angry glare he got every time he rebutted her. It made living with the hunters worth it.

"Missing the hunt already? Maybe a certain auburn haired sliver eyed girl in particular?" Aphrodite smirked, leaning her chin on his shoulder.

"No just missing the point how useless gods can be sometimes" He tried to be a smartass and that turned out not to be good.

With a angry look, Aphrodite snapped her fingers to Percy terror and he was already disappeared.

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