Chapter XXIX: Second Leave Of The Tale.

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N/A so I've started to think about a little credits for loyal readers. I mean the ones that usually comment. That's why from now on, I'll dedicate my chapter to a reader that usually comment every Chap I update.
This chapter is dedicated too.... meloctoni !!! 😁😁😁

Percy awakened and found himself inside the infirmary. He tried to sit up, but a tug made him to groan. He started down and saw bandage was wrapped around his torso. That was when everything came flooding back.

He couldn't believe she actually stab him. Sure he knew that she was man hater goddess and all, but he believed thy had come to a point of no killing each other. Guess Artemis is still Artemis. Even if he gave her million years more, it wouldn't change who she was and her nature. It was her root, she was destined to hate males and it happened to be his race.

He was mad, yet disappointed. He knew it was hopeless to even hope staying in the hunt. What's the point of staying when I'd end up dying sooner or later? Percy thought. Their relationship was never expected to be form. He was meant to be non existent to the world. Yet he believed her words.

"I will protect you Perseus! From any harm I promise!"

He recounted her words that day. He was wrong to believe it. She was an Olympian, it was risky to even meet her. They were the ones that wanted him dead. Such a fool to even trust this timer bomb.

Percy struggled for awhile and he managed to get to his  feet. The wounds ached as he winced.

He had to go. He should've done it long time ago. Just because of that stupid feeling and promise that he kept clinging onto her. Now she'd shown her real face. She stabbed him without even consideration. It was her nature and he couldn't do anything to change it.

He went to the area where the clothes were hung to dry over night. He grabbed some of his clothes and hurried back to the infirmary. Surprisingly there was no one on night duty which allowed him to sneak through the tents without being detected. The least thing he wanted was to have someone reporting to Artemis.

He knew most of his belongings were still in her tent, but considering it wasn't worth risking his opportunity. Percy packed and quietly left the hunt for the second time, or perhaps the last.

It took her two hours of Ananbeth and Thalia begging until she gave up and left the infirmary

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It took her two hours of Ananbeth and Thalia begging until she gave up and left the infirmary.

Artemis regretted of what she'd done. Standing by his side watching him hurt because by her own hands ached her even more. She knew she had promised to never let any harm to him and yet she was the one to break that promise.

What would he do when he wakes up. Would he still follow her, believe in her? Would he forgive her?

With all the guilt she couldn't settle, Artemis decided to return to the infirmary and wait until he wakes.

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