Chapter XXV: The Tale Of Interests

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The first sound of the birds came into Artemis's ears the next morning. She still felt his arm around her waist, that warmth and muscular body against her back.

She recollected what happened yesterday. It was a moment when she'd notice the step she made, that had changed them perhaps forever. She'd allowed him, more open with him and she had realised she couldn't be anywhere without him.

A groan came from Perseus as she turned around only to have her nose touched by his.

"Good morning Artemis!" He said in his sleepy state, an idiotic grin.

"Look who's awake" Artemis said in a sarcastic voice. "What's made the sleepy prince to wake so early today?"

"Uh....Because my right arm numb?" He responded, looking down at his arm that was being crushed under her weight.

She rolled away from him as he collected the arm.

"What happened last night?" He asked.

"None of your concern" she replied coldly, making her way to the closet.

"At least it had you shaking like a rabbit" he smirked only to make Artemis turned her head to him. Her face gave out that murderous look.

"I wasn't shaking you moron!" she yelled at him. "It was the blanket that itched me. So I had to scratch myself, thus the bed shook"

"And I thought you goddess scared of the dark" he laughed out at her. "But you have to admit that you like my warmth"

"And why would I have to admit it?" she crossed her arms.

"Because...." He paused for a moment trying to think of something. Artemis just shook her head at his stupidity. He always tried to win her in something, even though he knew he would lose eventually.

"Because you won't be able to sleep without me hugging you" he pointed his finger up."

"Oh really." Artemis raised her brows as she leaned closer. "How about we test it out tonight by you sleeping outside then?"

"How about not trying it out?" Perseus said.

"So shut up and get out for me to change before I forcefully kick you out with my arrows." Artemis grumbled as Perseus couldn't do anything more but listened.

They were late for breakfast again, and Artemis would just blame everything on Perseus

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They were late for breakfast again, and Artemis would just blame everything on Perseus. He would frown and protested, but since Artemis was in the favour of the hunters, his words were never considered.

He served them well and as usual, they dug into the food like there was no tomorrow. Artemis missed the taste of it, the sweet, salty and sour. She missed everything he cooked.

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