Chapter XXXI: Tale Of Encountered

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Artemis had to admit she was glad Orion came back. The moment she saw him, all her mind and emotions flood back into one place. She missed him, she mourned his death. Now seeing him in front of her, it all came back to the day he died, and the day she realised she loved him.

Orion was her first love. Now with his return, the need to find Percy suddenly disappeared within her. She had slowly lost that feeling toward the werewolf....

N/A 😂😂😂😂 I just wanted to joke a bit to bring you guys spirits up 😂😂😂😂😂😂😆 here's the the serious one. Cheers 😆😆😆✌️😂
Oh and as usual. This chapter is dedicated to..... Princess_Andromeda56  congratulations 😊✌️🎉👏

Artemis had to admit Orion was a good tracker. Ever since he joined her on the quest of finding Perseus, his skills made her come closer to the werewolf. The hunters surely didn't please with his presence. Even Zoë was not comfortable. As about Artemis, it was her that caused up this mess. She never liked Orion, since she discovered him had a feeling towards her more than just friends. She turned him into a constellation out of sympathy, and it did not make Apollo happy.

The two advanced deep into the wood, Artemis followed behind him as she tried to catch any scene of that idiot wolf of hers. Artemis had punished herself with that guilt and regret ever since Percy left. Even Aphrodite was angry with her since she'd developed feelings towards Perseus as well, with did not appease Artemis in anyway. Artemis had promised herself that no matter what, she would never be the cause of him to leave again. Surely she'd hurt him because of his stupidity, but break him in any core would never occur. He was her wolf, and he was her responsibility to keep him with her. A voice came that brought Artemis out of her thought.

"You know I'm actually glad that you accepted me into the hunt again"

"It was just an other from my father" Artemis said coldly as she avoided looking at him. "I did not wish to have a male travelling with us"

"Yet you had me before" Orion smirked.

"Do not bring it up Orion" Artemis snarled. "You should be appreciated your life at the moment. Don't waste it!"

"Fine" he threw his hands in surrender. "Just trying to lighten the mood"

They walked in silence for a moment. It was a bit strange walking with Orion at the time. Something about him that she couldn't understand, perhaps she never would. She cared more about Perseus. Someone might have mistaken that she had a feeling for Orion, that was why Apollo drove him mad. But Artemis never did, only now she had just recently her feeling to a wolf boy. Yet she's driven him away.

Orion suddenly stopped as he picked up a broken stick and examined it. Artemis gleaned around, she knew they were close, so close that her blood moved with excitement yet fear.

"Something strange" Orion muttered. "This werewolf has different scents."

Artemis knew sooner or later Orion would track Perseus down, not unless she found him first. At that point she didn't require Orion help anymore. Percy was somewhere within those woods, he was close to her reach. She needed to separate herself from Orion before both of them finding Percy together. She was certain he would kill Percy before she could stop.

"I think we should spread out" Artemis suggested. "It's easier to find that way"

"Are you sure" Orion turned to her. "We're now in its territory. It could ambush us in any moment. Fighting it alone is kinda dangerous"

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