Chapter 1: A Day in the Park

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"Oh hi, babe, why are you still awake?" Johnny asks Timmy. It's almost 2 in the morning. He expects his husband sleeping soundly.

"Well, I am waiting for my husband to come home. I want to know if he already ate. It's past your time of duty. Denmark will receive a call from me tomorrow for letting you come home late, detective!" Timmy said

"Sorry about that, but I have a new case and it's a big one. Denmark actually told me to go home early but it was me who wants to stay and study this case," Johnny replied.

"Is it that important, that you forgot that yesterday was our scheduled date to talk about the kids birthday party?" Timmy asks worriedly.

"Geez. I'm sorry about that. I forgot. I turned my phone off because I don't want to be disturbed. Can I make it up to you, babe? Tomorrow will be my off. I'll take you and the kids to the park. Is that okay?" Johnny asks with his puppy eyes.

"I have an appointment tomorrow and I'll come home late. Take the kids wherever you want cause you owe them one. Let's talk about their party this Saturday. Did you skipped dinner?" Timmy asks,

"I just took snacks," Johnny said holding his tummy.

"I prepared you a dinner. Just check it in the kitchen. I'll sleep now," Timmy said.

"Sleep well, babe! I love you!" Johnny screamed.

Three years have passed and everything in their life changed. He was now a police detective, while Timmy was still in his business. Our babies were now 4 year old kids who enjoys playing with us. Well, more on me because Timmy was in the office while I am in night shift. We were hands-on parents to the kids but we call on our parents whenever we can't come home on time. Yes, we moved to our new house in the city, though we visit their grandparents every other weekends.

I can see why Timmy was like that on me. I admit that I am at fault this time. The case I've been studying on was so big that can help me in my promotions to be part of the country's Intelligence Division. I really have to make it up to him, and to our kids.

I enjoyed my dinner and turned on my phone. Seriously, there was 50+ messages and almost a hundred missed call from him. He must have been really pissed.

After I ate, I sneak in to our bedroom. Every night, I am in awe cause I am sleeping beside an angel. I lift off the blanket and hugs him. He was always this comforting, I really find it amazing.

"Good night, babe. I love you,"


"Papa! Papa! Wakey wakey!"

"Papa! Let's play!"

I opened my eyes and saw two adorable kids.

"Well, good morning babies! Where's Dada?" I asks them, hoping Timmy's still here,

"Dada cooks. He said wakey Papa up," Tony said,

"Dada cooks pwancake. He made us milk. Come, Papa, see," Jimmy said.

I made my way to bathroom, washed my face and brushed my teeth. My boys run down the stairs while laughing which caused me to follow them cause they might stumble.

"Jimmy, Tony, no running in the stairs," I heard Timmy below

"Sorry, Dada." The boys said in chorus

"Good morning, babe," I greet him and kissed his cheek.

"Breakfasts ready. Young men, pancakes are served. Papa will take you to the park later, better behave or he might change his mind," Timmy said

"We, good boys. Not naughty. Promise!" Tony said

"I believe you, how about you, Jimmy?"

"Jimmy good boy. Like Papa. Promise,"

"Okay, I'll leave the rest to you, babe. Have fun with the kids. I'll go now," Timmy said to me,

"Can I have my good luck kiss from my boys?" He asks which sent the kids running to him and peppering him with kisses.

I made my way to him and kiss him.

"Good luck. I love you."

"I love you too, bye!"

The door closed which left me with the boys.

"Papa, lets play Power Rangers!"

"Papa, lets draw. I love to color."

"Wait kiddos, let's finish our breakfast first then we will play. One game at a time, after lunch we will head to the park. Clear?"

"Yes, Papa."



The rest of the day was like a storm.

We played Power Rangers were I am the bad guy while the two were the Rangers.

We also draw some stuffs and I let them color it and have it posted in our fridge.

We watched cartoon while eating some popcorn and let them take a bath with me in the tub. They love to play with the bubbles.

"Papa, I want ice cream," Tony asks

"We can have that later in the park,"

"Papa, can I play in the slides?" Jimmy asks

"Sure, okay. Let's wash now. Bath time is over. Time to head to the park," I said which makes them smile.

While at the park, the kids run free wherever they want. All I have to do was watch them wherever they go, buy them foods when they're hungry and go home whenever they felt exhausted.

I saw them playing on the slides when I received a call from my department.

"Detective Huang, speaking"

"A new lead in the case? Fine, send the report in my email and I'll read it later. Can't make it now, I'm in the park," I replied

"Thanks, and by the way, can you send me a map where our target was seen, I wanna know if he was just nearby,"

"Bye, thanks a lot," I hung up and searched for my kids.

I didn't saw the two in the slides. I get up of my seat and starts calling their name,

"Tony! Jimmy! Where are you?"

I looked everywhere but no sign of the two, until I saw an ice cream vendor.

There stood my kids, with a hooded man and he starts giving them ice cream.

As I ran towards them, the hooded man ran too, leaving my kids standing there.

"Who gave you the ice creams," I asks hoping they know who the guy was

"Nice guy. Free ice cream. Want some, Papa?" Jimmy said

"Didn't we told you not to talk and go with strangers? What if he took the both of you?" I scolded the kids.

The kids started to cry which caused the others to turn their heads on me.

"Sorry, Papa. Sorry," they both cried. Man, I can't help but hug the kids. It was clearly my fault yet I burst it on this poor kids.

"Papa is sorry too. I took my eyes off you two. Next time, tell Papa if you were hungry. Okay? I love you both and Papa never wants your Dada angry," I said

The kids stop crying. I let them finish off their ice cream and head straight to our car.

As the boys were sleeping, a question was driving me insane. Just who the hell was that hooded man?


Well, well, well...

The sequel!!!!

Yes, but don't expect a faster update from me in this story. I am studying so I can only update whenever I am free.


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