Chapter 4 : Cheap Thrills

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Another weekend came and we decided to put the kids in our parents care. We were sad to leave the kids but their safety is our priority. Timmy has been restless for the last few days, well who wouldn't be? Den's crew were checking our vicinity every hour which eases Timmy's mind whenever I'm at work.

We talked to our kids about this issue and they are good at it. We guessed that they were scared at the last incident. They even insists the party to be celebrated there.

"Tim, you okay?" I asked while driving

"Honestly, I'm not. I don't want to be seperated to our kids, but..."

"It will be okay soon. It won't last that long, I promise." I said lookig at him at the mirror.

"I'm a little bit excited for their party. I don't know. Our kids are growing too fast for my liking. Sooner, they won't even let me kiss them when I drive them to school," Timmy said with a little smile on his lips.

The drive went on and we finally reached our destination.

"Welcome back, Timmy!"

"Welcome home, Johnny!"

"Hi, kiddos!"

Greetings came pouring in. The kids love the attention and that calms my mind for the moment.

Yes. I've been restless for the past few days. I've been finding clues to whoever that hooded guy at the park was, that masked man who took Jimmy, or are they just one person or a group of psycho?

I excused myself from the crowd and I told Timmy I'll rest for a while.

I am on my way to our room when my vision blur which caused me to trip. My heart skipped a beat when Timmy suddenly came by my side.

"Are you okay, babe?" He asks

"Yes. I guess I'm just sleepy. Sorry for worrying you." I lied

"Fine. I'll help you to our room. Just rest okay?" He said smiling

I smiled and kissed his lips. He looked at me, and looking at his face, he is wondering why I did that.

"What? Am I not allowed to kiss my husband?" I ask

"Silly!" He replied.

We came to our room and I'm about to close the door when he called my name.

"Johnny Huang!"

That makes me turn my head and asks why. He walked straight in front of me and kissed my lips.

"Now you know what I felt when you did that. For your information, Mr. Huang, you can kiss me any time you like, but next time, make sure I am aware of it." He smiled then closed the door.

I was left dumbfounded... but in a good way.

I will sleep with a smile on my face.


"How are you Timmy?" Trisha asked me

"I am okay, it's the kids I'm worrying about..." I replied

"Any guess who could've done such things on you and your kids?" My mom asks

"I don't know, mom. J don't even know why they're after me," I said

"Did Johnny find any lead on this incidents?" My mom asks

"No leads for the moment. It's that we don't know where to look for any clues," I replied

"About the kids party, do you need any help from us?" Trisha asked

"About that, all we have to do is to invite our family friends and relatives," I smiled to Trisha

"Mom, me and Johnny were leaving before sunset," I said

"Why go so early?" My mom asked

"Mom, it's a long drive. Both of us needs to be at our office early too," I said

"Let them be, Helena. Maybe our kids just want some time for themselves," Trisha said smiling

I just sip my coffee while smirking on both of them.


It' already sunset when we decided to leave the mansion. We bid our goodbyes to our sons and relatives.

While Johnny is driving, I asked him a question that troubles me a lot.

"Is there any lead on my case, babe?" I asked

"As of now, we got no leads. It frustrates me too, because of that, the kids have to change their school for security reasons." He said

"I understand. How are you, Johnny?" I asked. I know he's hiding something from me. He works early in the morning and goes home late in the evening.

"I am fine, babe. Nothing to worry about. It's just that I had a lot of work loads for my promotion," he smiled.

"The kids already missed you. They missed their bath time with you, you singing them songs before they sleep, and even playing every game with you. Now that the kids were far from us, I kmow that they'll miss us more," I said

"Aww. Did I worry you too much? We'll visit them every weekends, babe. Our sons were thinking ahead of their age. They understand what's happening," he replied

"I know babe. I just hope this problem ends sooner,"

"Trust me, okay? I won't stop until I arrest that guy," he said when suddenly we heard a loud bang.

It's our wheels. Did someone put some spikes on the road?

Johnny took off his seatbelt and told me not to go out of the car. He made his way to the wheels and there he shout,

"Whoever did this, come out!" He shouted. We are in the middle of highway so thenone who ventually did this is near.

Johnny's about to go back in the car when we heard something.

"Is someone speaking, babe?" I asked

"Yes. I can hear it too." He replied

"It's a little warning for both of you," a voice we heard which makes Johnny check the car.

There he saw in the wheels a voice recorder. It kept playing so we deided to let it finish.

"I have no plans of distirbing your almost perfect family but I have no choice since you are a thorn in my path, Johnny Huang. Change your tire parts now before I pull my trigger. I'll count to 20 before my recorder stops. Ready? Start now!" He said in a devilish voice.

We don't know if what that voice said was true but it's already dark and we don't want to take any risk.

I helped him change our tires and after that we sped off. We heard a bang afterwards.

"I guess, he really meant what he said," I told him

"Yes. About that, I need you to be more careful. I can't affprd to lose you, babe." He said biting his lower lip.

"I will, babe. I promise. We will make it together," I assured him.

The drive to our house was silent. Once we reached our house, we locked our doors and called Denmark for added security reasons.

Johnny already slept, but I am still wide awake. I am worried for my husband. His life is in danger. The psycho wants him and I know it's about his promotional case. I don't care if he was a low ranking detective... as long as he is alive, for me and our kids, I am definitely good at it.

I have to make a way to make him drop his promotional case for good.

For me. For Jimmy and Tony. For our future.


Cheers for us! We (Bhon and I) are in our 2nd year anniversary!! Happy reading xx

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