Chapter 14 : Solitude Part 2

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"Jimmy, baby, I appreciate your drawings but please, don't color our walls,"

"Tony, you're too young to be a carpenter, put down that hammer! Where did you get that?!"

"Jeremy, don't go inside the washing machine. Take your clothes off if it's dirty!!"

"Anthony, where's the other pair of your shoes?!"

Being a single father is hard, especially if you are not the strict one. Johnny is the strict one between us two and these two little angels listen to him more... but that's not the case now. Johnny is out of the picture and sad to say we're moving on.

A new house. A new job and hopefully, a new attitude too. I still cry every night, thinking about Johnny. Where is he? Why he didn't come back sooner? Is he eating at the right time? Does he have a good night sleep? It's been three months and I never heard anything from him. It's a fact that I changed my number, but for the first month, he didn't even dare. When I said move on, my heart is not a hundred percent on it. I couldn't and wouldn't forget Johnny. I still believe that he is, indeed, the love of my life, my better half. I can't understand why the odds are against us, after all this time. We've been a good parent to our kids and a good citizen for our country, but fate step in and split our roads.

Slowly but surely, we are learning to live our life without him. Hard at first because I left everything behind. My job, my friends, my mother and even my beloved husband, but with the help of my little angels, I am doing fine.

On the first month, the kids are asking where their Papa is, or if their Papa is coming back. The most affected kid is Tony. He cried every night asking for his Papa. Wanting his Papa to sing him a lullaby. Most of the times, he cries on his sleep which I assume were his nightmares. As months go by, little by little, the kids were asking less about their Papa.

When we moved to our new house, the kids were not happy about it. They keep saying that their Papa's coming back; but they knew it never happened, so their plea just goes with wind.

About my new job, honestly, I am thinking about it. My company's in another man's hand and I think I couldn't trust him so I request for Lily's position to be hold. The fact that my uncle Mark is friends with Mr. Lim gives me the chills. I don't have any idea for a job right now. I don't have someone to look for my kids if I go to work, so for the meantime, I'll accompany them 24/7.

I felt bad leaving my friends behind. I didn't even have a word to Denmark, Robin, Alexander and Chloe. I didn't even tell them where I moved. I just played it safe for them. I don't want to put their lives on the line. If they didn't know where we are, they're safe. Johnny is safe too, for he is far, meeting the 10 meters requirement in the TRO.

It was a lazy Sunday morning and me and the kids are in our Juice weekend, where they can drink any juice they want which often leads to hyperacrive kids. Hyperactive Jimmy and Tony will make you feel that you're taking care of six kids rather than just two, especially when you're handling them all alone.

"Daddy, more juice! More juice!" Tony asks happily

"Say the magic word, baby," I am literally catching my breath because Jimmy just open the oven and tried to go in there. Got to pull him out before he even dare.

"Daddy, more juice please??" I smiled and kissed his forehead. I took his tumbler and guide him to the kitchen.

"What juice do you like? Apple?"

"No. Orange, daddy. " he replied

"Here, don't run around okay?" Eventually, he did ran away.

I was about to turn around when I felt an arm in my leg. It was Jimmy.

"What is it, babe?" I asks

"I'm playing, Dada. I'm a koala now. See? Your legs were the branch," he said which amuses me.

"So, do a Koala likes some juice?" I asks

"Yes, Dada. I love apple juice. Can I have some, Dada? Please?" He asks never letting go of my legs.

"First, I need your tumbler. Give me your tumbler first so I can fill it up, okay?" He answered with a nod and soon let go.

He came back after a minute with his tumbler and hands it to me. I fill it up amd as soon as I gave it, he started running away where Tony is.

Kids. I really don't know how I'd survive without them.

My thoughts were disturbed by a call. I checked it up and it was from my uncle Mark. Disappointed, I hesitantly answered his call.

"What's the matter, uncle?" I asks

"Nothing much. How are you and the kids?" He asks.

"We're doing fine, uncle. Why'd you call? Is it something important? Did something happen to my mom? Or Johnny? Or my friends?" I asked

"Relax. There's nothing bad that happened,"

"Why are you calling?" I asked firmly. I knew something was off.

"Johnny. He is back. He came at your office last Friday. The bad news is, he is looking for you and your kids," then he dropped the line.

Johnny is back... and he's looking for me too.

I smiled at the thought but I am fearing something might go wrong.


[ A / N ]

My deepest apology, readers!! I never notice that the storys was cut. My bad... Here's the part.2.

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