Chapter 9 : Losing Grip

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Johnny stormed out of our house and it's my fault. I felt disgusted as those vile words slip out of my mouth. In the past five years, we've never fight like this. Sure there were small fights, misunderstanding and arguments but never ever this bad. I never should've accused all those things to him, but I just got mad at him for letting me and the kids wait for two freaking hours at the restaurant for what reason? Work. To that damned work of his. Luckily the kids weren't here during the commotion. They're at their Grandma Trisha's house that's just 2 blocks away.

I sat on the sofa, thinking about the things that I should do. My tears can't stop falling from my cheeks as I remember how hurt Johnny looks while I'm saying those things. He may look tough on the exterior but my husband is a free spirit, trying to keep all he loves close to him. I will not let this change my family. I grabbed my car keys and wallet. I need to find Johnny.

For an hour, I've been driving in the neighborhood non stop hoping to see Johnny's car but I failed. I tried calling his phone but all I heard was the voicemail. I drove at the station to look for my husband but he was not there. Denmark assured me that he will call me when Johnny appeared at the station. While I'm going back to my car, my phone rings and there I saw an unknown number. Oh my, if it's the stalker, I don't need this right now. I answered it, hoping it was Johnny, but a girl was on the line.


"Oh, hi. Who are you?" I asked

"Are you Timmy?" She asked desperately

"Yeah, why?"

"Sandra here, and Johnny's with me," I remembered her. She was one of Johnny's friends while he was working at the bar.

"Is he in the bar?" I asked

"Yeah. Drunk. He caused some trouble better come here ASAP," she said

"Yes, right now. Thanks!" I end the call and starts my car engine fast. There's no time to waste.

I arrived at the bar and it was nearly 8 o'clock and the bar was somehow occupied. I went in and saw Johnny beating another guy. I made my way through the drunk people to meddle. I wrapped my arms around his torso to stop him doing another punch.

"Johnny, please... hon, please stop," I begged while tears where falling on my cheeks. I felt Johnny's stiff body slowly melted as he leaned back on me.

"Look at you, Johnny. Controlled by your rich husband?" A laugh echoed in the background as the guy who Johnny punched stands up. My heart clenched at the thought and I felt Johnny's breathing becomes ragged again. "See? You can't even speak for yourself," the guy added.

The guy's face was badly beaten up; bruised jaw, bloody mouth and a cut on his eyebrow. The guy stood up, spit blood on the ground and left with a gruesome look. I didn't notice my husband went limp on my arms, he was unconscious. In a swift move, I carried him bridal style out of the bar. I gave an apologetic smile to Sandra. I struggled a bit putting Johnny in the car and I couldn't care less on those passerby's who gave me weird glances.

Johnny was unconscious throughout the drive back home and his face is really not that bad. A bruise on the neck, busted lower lip and a black eye but nonetheless, he looked like an angel, an angel that I fell in love with. I texted Sandra to bill the damages on me. I also called mom Trisha to watch over the boys for another hour. I can't let my kids see their Papa all bruised up.

I immediately cleaned my husband. I saw bruises on his ribs and stomach. My tears rolled down my cheeks as regrets starts filling my chest. I wished my husband would want to talk to me after this incident.

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