Chapter 8

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Green day blasted through the speakers of the car. Hours of bright sunlight, had passed. Stars and darkness hung in the night sky. Lilac hair plastered against the window, belonging to the sleepy boy, soft snores coming from his pink lips. The blond boy on the driver's side sneaked a glance at him, then stared back at the road again. He didn't hide the smile that glued to his face. The source was right next to him, and boy, he couldn't be happier.

He took another turn on a new road, tall buildings and city lights emerged vaguely in the distance. Michael's eyes fluttered open at a slow pace, the lights blinding, making him squint to try to adjust. He moved his head from the window, a yawn escaping his mouth, allowing Luke to know he's awake.

"How'd you sleep?"

"'M good."

Luke nodded, eyes glued to the road.

"Well, we should be there soon. "


Michael absentmindedly, watched Luke's features from the passenger seat. He watched Luke thinking and full of determination and concentration. How his lips pressed together, his hands gripping the steering wheel, fingers tapping the steering wheel at red lights and to green day. The silence was broken.

"What're you thinking, angel?"

Michael's mouth was left a gaped, surprised by the new nickname. His cheeks burning in the darkness.

"I... Oh, it's nothing."

Luke nodded in a sense, but didn't quite believe him.

Michael looked out the window after that. He stared at the scenery. Only then he realized, they were almost to New York City. The lights got brighter, the buildings bigger, and the sounds louder. Michael's stomach felt like they were in knots. Uneasy feelings about this were starting to surface more. He'd ignored it before, but now it felt too real to ignore.

"Hey... Luke?"


"Why are we going to New York?"

"A book signing. It's for one of my recently released books."


Michael plastered a fake smile on his face. It's easier while it's dark, because Luke can't see how fake it looks.

More silence. They were now in the city. It amazed Michael so much, he stared in amazement as much as he could. Trying to take his mind off the anxiety building up inside him.

Luke pulled up at some expensive looking hotel. He turned off the car, and started to get out of the car.

"Come on, Michael."

Michael nodded, pushing open the car door as Luke did. When he did, there was Luke standing there waiting. The moonlight shining on him. His black clothes shined beautifully against pale skin, and Michael almost kissed him right there. Almost.

Instead, he walked with Luke into the hotel. As expected the entrance was beautiful. Golds, silvers, greens, blues, and other rich colors covered the place. Michael admired with his mouth wide open and wide eyes. Luke watched the smaller boy's reaction, and smiled faintly.

"Angel, do you want your own bed, or want to share." Luke whispered softly and quiet in Michael's ear.

"W-we can sh-share one?" Michael replied more like a question than an answer.

Luke laughed, nodding.

"Of course, darling."

Luke walked up to the man at a computer, Michael closely behind. Luke cleared his throat, in attempt to get the man's attention. The man looked up, clearly surprised to have anyone at these hours.

"How may I help you?"

"I need a room, only one bed."

The man typed it into the computer, and gave them a key in exchange for money. Luke picked it up off the counter mumbling a 'thanks', then leaving with Michael to find their room. Luke searched for the room for a long time, before realizing he'd skipped over it, walking back twice, before finding the right door. Luke turned the key in the door knob, twisted it, and the door opened easily.

There was a bed with white sheets and gold sheets, white pillows, red walls, a small window, redish wood end tables, and a old painting. It was extremly beautiful.

"What's-" Michael stopped mid sentence when he saw the room.

"Come on, let's get to bed."

"I need to change."

"Okay. Me too. You can change in the bathroom."

Michael nodded, grabbing sweatpants and going into the bathroom, leaving Luke to change in the small, but open room. The bathroom door shut, leaving Luke alone again.

Michael held up in the bathroom way longer than he should've. He'd changed almost right away. Put on the gray sweatpants, and took off his shirt. He wasn't sure, he'd never taken off his shirt for bed while he was with Luke.

Michael looked at himself in the mirror, feeling extremely unhappy. Nervous emotions flowing through him, only threw him off more. He became over emotional-

A soft knock on the door stopped Michael from panicking any further.

"You alright? You've been in there a long time, Angel."

Michael emerged from the bathroom with his dirty clothes. Luke stepped away from the door for Michael. Michael threw his clothing by their bags.

The lilac boy avoid the blond boy's gaze. It was infuriating. That he was not proud of himself. He couldn't look Luke in the eye. Michael hadn't even seen what Luke was wearing.

"Oh, Michael...." Luke whispered.

He stepped forward, closing space slowly between them. Once he couldn't anymore, he needed Michael to look at him. Luke sighed before starting.

"angel, please look at me."

Michael slowly lifted his head to meet Luke's blue eyes.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of. You are absolutely beautiful."

Michael nodded.

"Um Luke... I'm really s-scared."

"Oh Mikey.... Why?"

"I-i don't li-like crowds a-and what i-if I lose y-you?"

"You wont lose me. I'll be with you the whole time. I promise, Angel."


"Let's get to bed, okay?"

Michael nodded shyly. They climbed into the hotel bed(which was extremely comfortable), and found themselves in each other's arms. Michael almost choked, feeling Luke's skin instead of a the fabric of a shirt.

"Luke, you're not wearing a shirt."

"I know.Is it a problem?"

Luke for once sounded uncertain. It made Michael think for a moment, was Luke uncertain about himself?

"Oh no, no. Luke it's absolutely perfect. You're perfect."

Luke blushed, and Michael held his arms tighter around Luke. Michael closed his eyes first, small breaths from his mouth, and soon snores too. They were soft, and absolutely adorable. Luke almost laughed, but didn't want him to wake up. Luke watched Michael sleep before sleeping himself.

((A/n up top is what Luke looks like and he's looking hella fine damn, okay. this was supposed to include when they go to the book signing but that would've been hella long and like no))

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