Chapter 9

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Luke and Michael sat at a long table, signing books. Michael was far away from the scene, mentally. He just didn't know how he fits here.

While Michael was zoning back into reality, Luke was greeting a group of young girls. He smiled and said a hello. As did they, but a sense of confidence was showing.

"Uh, excuse me, but who is the boy next to you?"

"Oh, Michael. Well..."

Luke went on to tell the story with great admiration, very happy about talking about such a beautiful boy. Michael could see the emotions on Luke's face. It was just unbelievable.

Michael felt his cheeks heat up, moments after. He blushed furiously at how stupidly, adorable Luke was being.

Michael's blushing had died down, as had the book signing. Luke's once straight hair, was now messy and all over the place. He'd yawned several times. Michael had a smile on his face and then a frown. luke shouldn't overwork himself too much.

Michael sat, his hands stretched out on the table, spacing out again to ponder. Several more minutes past, he made a choice. Leaning over to Luke, he whispered,

"Come on, Luke. We should get going."


"Lukeee! Please, don't overwork yourself. You look tired, stressed even. Everyone needs a break."

"Okay, fine."

Luke smiled softly, appreciating even Michael's concern. They stood up, Luke glaring at a tall man, as if saying he was done. Walking from the table, Michael's hand brushed with Luke's, giving in the force he needed, a burst of confidence bursting through him. He grabbed Luke's intertwining them together. He looked at Luke as if asking if this was okay. Luke gave his hand a small squeeze.

Walking outside, Luke leaned down, and toward Michael's ear, whispering,

"I want to take you out tonight. Be ready at midnight, okay?"

Michael bit his lip, nodding. His eyebrows furrowed up, clearly showing his confusion. Luke laughed in adorable sudden way. The way someone accidently laughs when they shouldn't, but it's just so damn funny.

They drove to their hotel in silence while Michael thought of what on earth is Luke planning?

A/n I was gonna make this longer but nah but next chapter will be shorter maybe or maybe not I don't know. But ay midnight dates with Luke. What do you guys think Luke is planning?

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