Chapter 21

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Luke dialed Calum's number looking for some kind of assurance. Luke felt his eyes stings, tears threatening to spill again.

Luke cried on the phone while he talked, hiccuping and trying not to break.

Michael noticed Luke had been out for awhile, genuine concerned he checked to see if Luke was okay. Michael walked over to the door, opening it and closing it behind himself.

He saw Luke breaking down in front of him, on his phone taking shaky breaths trying to talk. Michael walked over to Luke, his heart breaking at the sight.

Michael took Luke's shaky hands in his own, slipping the phone from Luke's grasp. Luke looked up at Michael with watery, blue dull and sad eyes.

Michael sat with Luke, pulling Luke into him letting him calm and cry. Michael said words a little bit here and there to help but not much. Luke finally was done, breathing straight.

He pulled back looking at Michael's slightly calmer green eyes.

"I-i should be the one comforting you. Not you comforting m-me." Luke squeaked.

Michael shook his head viciously.

"No. You need love and comfort too. You're human."

Luke blushed, pulling away from Michael trying to hide his face in his hands. Michael tilted his head, confused. Michael pries Luke's hands from his face, to see Luke's face tinted red. Michael smiled for a while, and giggling quietly. Luke pouted at Michael while he giggled. 

Luke stood up, brushing off his pants. He held out his hands for Michael. Michael grabbed them, pulling himself up and stumbling into Luke. Michael blushed, mumbling 'sorry'. Luke shook his head and brushed it off. It's not like Michael needed to be sorry. 

Luke led Michael inside, shutting the glass door behind them. Michael took a seat on the couch, staring at the ground zoned out. Luke sighed, walking into the kitchen. He made coffee for Michael, pouring it into the cup Michael always uses. It was plain black, of course. Luke stared at the cup for a while smiling sweetly, daydreaming.

He held the cup in his hands, careful not to spill it while he took it to Michael. It swayed while he walked, but he made it to Michael. Luke saw Michael was not paying attention, sighing again.

"Hey, Michael? I-I got you some coffee."

Michael looked up at Luke, who had looked away shyly.

"Oh, you didn't have to... But thank you Luke."

Luke finally looked up to see green eyes staring brightly at him. He stumbled forward, putting the coffee cup in Michael's hands, their fingers brushing slightly.

Michael lifted the coffee to his lips, drinking it slowly in small amounts. Luke watched him, tilting his head fascinated by Michael. Michael blushed secretly, quickly covering it with his coffee cup, but fails. Luke says nothing of it, but makes a note in his head about it. Luke still thinks of the mess of theirs lives for awhile. He needs to do something.

"I um-uh. Angel, I just- I just want you to know i'll always protect you. Always."

"Oh, oh. I- thanks. But, please I can't trust you if I don't know anything about you. About your life before me."

"Oh, okay. I-I can do that, for you."

Michael smiled. 

"Okay, let's get dinner."


A pizza box was in between the two boys, Michael eating a few more pieces  of pizza than usual. Luke stuck with two pieces, anxiety shaking his nerves. Luke tapped his fingers on the table a lot, earning a few glances from Michael. 

Luke watched Michael finish the last of the pizza, then he threw away the box. Michael felt Luke's nervousness, which confused him. Why was Luke so nervous?

He brushed it off for now, shrugging to himself. then, Luke was pulling him out of his seat, intertwining their fingers together and walking with him to the balcony. Luke shut the door behind Michael. The cold air hitting their faces as they stood towards to the city lights. Luke watched the moon and stars above more than the city. 

Luke cleared his throat, redirecting Michael's attention to him. They both turned their bodies to face each other. Luke smiled weakly.

"I'm not sure if you want the same thing I do. Or that you even want to be here with me, but... Michael Clifford, will you be my boyfriend?"

Michael gasped covering his mouth, nodding.

"Yes, Luke!"

Luke chuckled, bringing Michael into his arms. Michael's heart was beating so fast, he thought it'd break. He was smiling so hard as he stood there with Luke. Luke pulled away slightly, smiling at his boyfriend. He pressed his lips to Michael's forehead, lingering before pulling away. 

"I love you, Angel."

"I love you too, Luke."

a/n i'll upload the epilogue soon too!! it's nothing special i swear just probably fluffy. but yeah i'm gonna miss this story :) i also wrote this while i have pcd so sorry in advance if it's bad -kailey

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