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Firestar stared at Scourge. Cats battled all around him and blood stained the clearing. This was it, the only way to save the forest. Scourge laughed as Firestar unsheathed his claws. 

"Give me all you've got, forest fool!" the BloodClan leader spat, his dog tooth collar glinting in the cold moonlight. Firestar leaped at him, aiming for the throat, but Scourge was too fast. He dodged his attack, swiftly turned around sliced his claws down Firestar's back with deadly precision. Yowling in pain, Firestar forced himself to get up. He tried to lash at his throat again but it was no use. Scourge got out of the way with ease. 

"Enough kits' play!" Scourge spat. He bit down hard onto Firestar's spine. Yowling in complete and utter anguish, Firestar fell to the ground. He could not feel or move any of his limbs. 

"I am not going to kill you yet," Scourge's eyes glowed menacingly and were full of hatred," First I must make you watch all the cats you know and love die!" 

Scourge padded over to a bulky brown tom with a green cat claw and dog tooth collar. 

"Find the leaders and deputies of all the clans," he ordered and the brown tom went off. After a short while he saw Willowpelt appear. 

"Firestar!" she gasped in shock, then looked at Scourge then back at Firestar ,"You monster! What have you done?!" she spat, tears welling in her sad blue eyes, and then launched herself at Scourge. 

"Willowpelt no..." Firestar rasped in pain. He knew Willowpelt would loose this fight.  Scourge lifted his paw, slicing his claws through Willowpelt's throat. She tried to yowl but all that came out was a spatter of blood. Scourge lay a paw down on Willowpelts shoulder. 

"You shouldn't of interfered and now you shall die knowing that your clan will fail. Where's your precious Starclan now?" Scourge sneered and struck Willowpelt one last time, killing her effortlessly. Firestar wanted to yowl in grief but nothing would come out. The brown tom then appeared again with Tallstar, Leopardstar, Blackfoot and Mistyfoot. 

" These are the surviving leaders and deputies of the forest cats " The brown tom growled. 

"Firestar! No!" Tallstar gasped, catching sight of his motionless friend. Scourge rounded the frightened leaders and deputies against the rock where Firestar lay paralyzed. 

"Get more cat's. Our cats" Scourge ordered the brown tom. He went away and quickly reappeared with several other BloodClan warriors. 

"Kill them", Scourge ordered. At once all the cats advanced towards the leaders. 

"Except the ginger one. He's mine," Scourge ordered. The brown tom pinned Leopardstar to the ground while a white she-cat sliced her claws down her throat. 

" Leopardstar n-" Tallstar was cut off as another BloodClan warrior raked their claws down his throat, killing him too. Leopardstar, Tallstar, Blackfoot,  they were all dead. Except for Mistyfoot. She somehow got away. Scourge walked up to Firestar. 

"You were foolish to think that you could win this battle," and with that he lashed at Firestar with his extended, bloodstained claws and everything was black. 

The Rule Of BloodClan- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now