Chapter 24

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Scourge sighed. It had been a moon since he had collapsed in the storm. KillClan had eventually retreated once they were outnumbered. Scourge had to let the clan cats go too. His clan was not happy with this decision. If only they understood why I did it Scourge growled in his head.  Even Brick wasn't talking too him as much. Scourge hissed. It was as if his clan didn't trust his leadership anymore! He had to win their faith back! Scourge trudged out his den. Deep snow still covered the ground but in camp it was just low, slushy dirt from so many paws treading on it. A few cat's turned around as he went into camp but soon just looked away again. They used to bow to me Scourge thought angrily. He went towards Brick's den. Condor and Midnight were playing just outside the entrance. They seemed to grow overnight. Scourge smiled as he watched Midnight tackle Condor to the ground. They were already fierce, even at a moon and a half old.  

"Dad!" Midnight squealed. Distracted, Condor took his chance and wriggled free. 

"Hello Midnight, Condor", Scourge greeted. Brick padded out her den. 

"Hello Scourge", her meow was bland. Emotionless. 

"Are you still angry because I let those clan cats go?" Scourge growled. 

"But why? Why did you do it?" she hissed back, fur suddenly bristling. 

"I had to! You don't understand!" Scourge replied desperately. 

"What? What don't I understand?!" Brick snarled. 

"Why is mama and daddy shouting", Midnight whimpered. Her and Condor were huddled up in the corner. Scourge immediately flattened his fur as he saw them. 

"No no no! Don't be upset, we were just.. err.. I couldn't hear her well," Scourge soothed. Midnight sniffed. 

"It sounded like arguwin", Condor whined. 

"We weren't arguing dear. Daddy has just made a... mistake.. and we were just discussing it", Bricks tone started soft but ended sharp. 

"Brick is right", said a voice from behind them. Scourge spun round to see Snake and many other BloodClan cats. 

"What? Now even my deputy is against me?!" Scourge spat. 

"Oh it's not just that Scourge", Snake's voice was full of malice ," Your clan has come to an agreement". Scourge took a step forward. 

"And what is this agreement?" Scourge growled. Snake looked back at the cats behind him and nodded. 

"We think your getting a bit soft. Since these kits came in you have been acting no better than a kittypet," Snake hissed, unsheathing his claws. 

"How dare you!" Scourge snarled but before he could do anything Snake spoke. 

"We need a new leader. One that is tough enough for the cats he recruited", Snake growled as his cats started to advance. 

"You can't get rid of me! I founded this clan!" Scourge snarled. 

"Oh but Scourge, thing is.. We can", Snake growled. At those words the cats advanced forward screeching and snarling. Scourge gasped as a heap of cats landed on top of him. Scourge looked over at Brick. She looked away, avoiding his gaze. She picked up Midnight and Condor and carried them away from the fight. Scourge felt sadness stab him like claws in his heart. His own mate had betrayed him. 

"Stop! I'll go!" Scourge yowled. The cats all immediately staggered off him. Snake stood on the jagged rock. 

"Good! Now get out of here! You are no longer leader! I am leader now!" Snake caterwauled victoriously. Scourge hissed then ran out of camp. He ran for the swamps but before he could stop he heard a voice call his name. He looked back to see Brick and his kits. Scourge lit up. Did she want to run away with him! But the flicker of hope died as he saw the hostile glare in her eyes. 

"These two kits are what made BloodClan like this. I want nothing to do with them anymore!Now go find your twoleg! I don't know how I ever loved you!" Brick snarled. Midnight and Condor sat in the reeds looking up at Scourge. Scourge's jaw sagged open. Brick had abandoned her own kits, her own mate, her own leader! Scourge couldn't even say anything.

"Is mama mad?" Condor asked looking up at Scourge with blue eyes.

"Yes. But you won't have to deal with that anymore", Scourge told him.

"How? Is mama not going to be mad now?" Midnight asked. The hope in her eyes crushed Scourge inside.

"We need to get moving. We are going to go on an adventure!" Scourge changed the subject putting in as much enthusiasm as his broken heart would let him.

"Yay! Where are we going?" Condor squeaked joyfully.

"I'm not sure. We're going to find a new den", Scourge smiled back at them. Fortunately, the kits asked no more questions.

"Look a dragonfly!" Midnight gasped chasing after the big blue insect. Scourge kept an eye on them as they chased it through the frozen marsh. Brick's word echoed in his head. Had these kits made BloodClan soft? Scourge thought about it and he realized Brick was right. The sad realization soon turned to anger as he realized his clan had kicked him out purely because he cared about his family. Scourge sighed. Could he do nothing right? It was Firestars fault. If he hadn't made Scourge release those mouse-brained, mangy clan cats then his clan would still trust him. He hissed in disgust as he thought of the ginger tom. He pretended to be so perfect. But nobody was perfect! Other cats are too selfish to ever admit another is better than them. Scourge then realized another thing and it made him feel a bit sick. Maybe he didn't actually want to be evil anymore. He dug his claws into the ground and stopped moving. His two kits ran back to him, panting.

"My paws are cold!" Midnight whined. 

"Don't worry, we're nearly out the marsh and then we will be in the forest. It's warmer there", Scourge reassured her.

"But I don't like forests! The needles stick into my paws!" Condor complained.

"It's not a pine forest. It's an oak one I think", Scourge told him.

"Oak forest? Is it like the other forest we could see from home? The ones with the bushy round leaves?" Midnight asked.

"Yes! That's an oak forest!" Scourge answered.

"Do oak tree's have needles?" Condor asked narrowing his eyes at the oaks ahead.

"No. Anyway, they won't even have any leaves", Scourge sighed. He wasn't really in the mood for questions. He dealt with it though. Eventually they reached the forest.

"Wow! They really don't have any leaves!" Midnight gasped staring in wonder at the towering oaks that surrounded her. They walked through the frosty forest until Scourge found a ancient looking oak with a hollow beneath it's roots. Scourge wondered what they'd do tomorrow. He shook his head and decided to worry about it tomorrow.

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