Chapter 10

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Scourge was out on the marshes. He had just caught a frog but wasn't exactly in the mood to eat it so he kicked the body back into a stream. He was about to turn back when he smelt something. It was cat scent, and it wasn't BloodClan or the forest cats. Narrowing his eyes he crept through the reeds until he reached a clearing. Willows surrounded it. It smelt like his old home. Of mould and dampness. Three cats sat in the clearing. A brown tabby tom, a pale grey she-cat and a ginger and white tom. They all looked skinny and their ribs showed. Scourge wondered if he should invite them into his clan. Why not? With all these search patrols and run away cats it would seem only logical to let these cats join him. Scourge appeared from the reeds, chin high. The three cats spun around and their fur started to bristle.  Scourge walked up to them and then sat down and curled his tail neatly over his paws. 

"Greetings", he meowed, bowing his head. 

"Who are you?" the brown tabby tom asked, the hint of a growl in his voice.  

"My name is Scourge. I am leader of BloodClan", he introduced. 

"BloodClan? I thought that was just a kits tale", the grey she-cat exclaimed. 

"BloodClan's not been round long enough to be kit tales yet", Scourge realised he was getting malicious so he calmed himself down. 

"Anyway. I just saw you three on our territory and-" 

"Your territory! I thought this territory belonged to the four clans!" the ginger tom interrupted.  

"Not anymore. It's BloodClan territory now", Scourge was getting impatient. "As I was saying, I would like to invite you into our clan. We provide food and protection as long as you promise to help us provide and follow the rules", Scourge invited. 

"No way! your clan sounds horrible!" the ginger tom spat ," And i'm going to end this now!"             The ginger tom lunged at Scourge but Scourge just swiftly dodged and sliced open the toms throat while he was at it. The ginger tom fell to the ground, dead. That was easy. He looked back to see the pale grey she-cat running away. Scourge wouldn't waste his energy. She would probably just go starve. But the tabby tom. He looked like he was once a powerful fighter. His fur had scars and his left ear was notched. He showed no fear in his eyes. 

"You killed him. Why." he asked. His voice was firm. 

"He wanted to kill me so it had to go either way", Scourge shrugged. He looked down at his blood stained claws.  

"So are you going to join?" Scourge asked unsheathing his claws fully again. 

"I don't really have a choice do I?" 


"Fine, I'll come" 

Scourge led the brown tom back to his camp. He beckoned Venom and Bob over. They were strong fighters. He told them to lead the tom back to old camp where he could be trained. Bob would train him. After all that Scourge decided to go to the marshes again to think over his clan set up. He sat down on a rotting log and thought. Well, he had main camp, the marsh camp which he led. The trial here was you had to get your ear notched. It showed how brave a cat was and how loyal they would be. It also made everyone in BloodClan have something in common.  He then had the moor camp, side camp. The trial there was to look at Half-Face and not flinch. It would test how fearful a cat was. Scourge considered it the easiest trial. The forest camp, secondary was another one. The trial there was to climb the giant sycamore to the top then go fight and kill an adder at the rocks. On that trial you could either fall down the tree or be poisoned by the adder. Both had a good chance of being fatal. Then there was river camp, the small camp because it had the smallest territory. The trial there was to be pushed in the river. The cat would either drown or show the strength to get to shore again. Old camp didn't have a trial it was just a training ground sort of thing. Scourge was happy with his set up. He had cats ruling each camp. Scourge ruled main, Snake now ruled forest secondary camp, Sunset, a fantastic fighter and trainer ruled old camp, Stormy ruled small camp because he was a good swimmer and Heather another fast runner and swift fighter ruled the moors.  Scourge was proud of his clans, proud of his placement. He was worried the battle with the clans might have failed but he was right of course. BloodClan won by a long shot. Suddenly the whole marsh turned orange. Sunset already?Scourge sighed and padded back to camp. He went and picked a plump pheasant off the prey pile. He sat down beside Brick and they shared it. After, Scourge and Brick went and curled up together in a soft nest. Life was good. He was all powerful, nothing could stop him now. He would claim more land and rule more cats until he ruled the world! His pleasant dreams of victory lulled him to sleep. Scourge woke up quickly though. But wait. This place was not camp. It was a field. A river. A forest. Prey scent filled the air. Suddenly he saw a cat appear. The cat was orange with green eyes. He was snarling. Scourge snarled back and tried to unsheath his claws to find his reinforced dog tooth claws were gone. Only his normal claws remained. He realized his collar was normal too. No dog teeth. No nothing. He suddenly recognized the cat. It was Firestar! Firestar lunged at Scourge. Scourge tried to dodge but he was stuck to the spot his paws wouldn't move. Firestar's claws struck down his face. Scourge gasped as he felt real pain. What was this? Was it a dream or not?  Scourge was so confused, and for the first time in his leadership he was scared. Firestar raked his claws down his back and Scourge shrieked in pain. 

"BloodClan shall fall!" Firestar yowled. Suddenly Scourge snapped awake. Gasping for air Scourge sat up. What had just happened. Firestar's words echoed in his mind.                                       BloodClan shall fall.

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