Chapter 25

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Greystar was awoken by a yowl of pain. He got to his paws. Was it Brackenfur? Greystar had found his deputy after the storm. He had been caught in a fox trap. His leg was badly injured but he'd managed to hobble home. But Jaysong came running towards him before he could do anything. She skidded to a halt in front of him. Was that excitement in her eyes.  

"What's going on?" Greystar asked. 

"It's Goldenflower! She's kitting!" Jaysong yelped with joy ," Come on, this way!" She called to him before racing down a tunnel. Greystar bounded after her. The cries of pain echoed through the stone walls eerily but soon enough Greystar reached Goldenflower who wriggled in her nest. Pikeclaw hovered and Frostfur was whispering softly into Goldenflower's ear.  

"Ok everyone except Frostfur clear out!" Greystar ordered. Frostfur was an excellent queen in ThunderClan so she would be more help than anyone. 

"I have to stay!" Pikeclaw protested. 

"You can see her once she's kitted so you can name them but she needs space. You want her kitting to be as easy for her as it can be don't you?" Greystar asked as everyone else backed away. 

"Of course!" Pikeclaw bristled, looking worriedly at his mate. 

"I'll fetch you when she's kitted," Frostfur told him in a soft voice. Pikeclaw froze for a moment then took a long inward sigh before leaving. 

"Good luck," Greystar smiled before following after Pikeclaw. Pikeclaw sat tensely near the entrance to the tunnel. 

"Why don't you go check on Brackenfur?" Greystar suggested. 

"Eh.. ok," Pikeclaw murmured before going down the tunnel. It would take his mind off Goldenflower for the time being. Just as Pikeclaw padded away he heard voices outside the entrance. Dustpelt raced in. 

"Greystar! You won't believe it but.. We found more clan cats! Whilst me and Mousefur were on patrol we met Longtail, Ashpaw, Sandstorm and Cloudtail!" Dustpelt told him. 

"What?! Where are they!" Greystar's heart jumped. Mousefur came in with the cats Dustpelt had named following. 

"Greystripe!" Sandstorm gasped running over to him. 

"So Mousefur was telling the truth about this DawnClan!" Cloudtail waved his tail. The cats all greeted each other until they noticed the howls of pain. 

"What was that?" Longtail's fur bristled. 

"It must be Goldenflower! She's kitting!" Greystar told them. So much was happening at once! 

"Really! What good timing!" Sandstorm smiled ," Whose making sure she's ok?" 

"Frostfur," Greystar assured her. 

"So Frostfur is alive! Great! Mind telling us who is in this clan? It would be great to know who's alive and who's not.." Sandstorm asked. 

"Well, not all of us are stray clan cats. We have Jaysong and Pikeclaw who were former rouges. Pikeclaw is Goldenflower's mate. Jaysong was attacked by Scourge and strayed onto our territory. We also have Brackenfur but he's injured. He was caught in a fox trap but he will heal soon hopefully", Greystar introduced. 

"Someone say my name?" Jaysong had approached ," Wow! Who are these?" 

"These are more ThunderClan cats that must have escaped!" Greystar told her before turning to the ThunderClan cats ," This is Jaysong". 

"Nice to meet you," Longtail nodded though his eyes were slightly narrowed. Frostfur came racing down the tunnel before anyone else could speak. She skidded to a halt as she saw the new clan cats. Her mouth hung open. 

"Frostfur!" Cloudtail called. Frostfur quickly greeted the new cats. 

"I need to find Pikeclaw!" she explained afterwards.  

"I'm here!" Pikeclaw was behind him. He looked at the new cats but must have decided Goldenflower was more important as he quickly raced back down the tunnel with Frostfur. Greystar turned back to Longtail, Sandstorm, Cloudtail and Ashpaw. 

"So are you all wanting to join DawnClan?" Greystar had assumed so but they might not agree on him being leader. 

"Well I certainly am!" Sandstorm immediately stated. 

"I want to stay," Ashpaw agreed. 

"Wait, may I just ask who the deputy is?" Longtail asked. 

"Brackenfur," Greystar tilted his head slightly at the question. 

"Well I don't care who's deputy I'm staying right here!" Cloudtail announced. 

"Me too," Longtail nodded. 

"Wait, Greystripe, are you leader?" Sandstorm asked. 

"Yes. I am Greystar, leader of DawnClan," Greystar announced his leader name ," StarClan came to me in a dream and gave me my nine lives." 

"That's so cool!" Cloudtail smiled.  

"You should really be called Dawnstar for founding the clan," Ashpaw grinned. Greystar grinned too before padding over to the tunnel that lead to Goldenflower's nest. 

"Can I enter?" Greystar asked before going in. 

"Yes," Goldenflower's exhausted mew answered. Greystar slowly padded in, practically on his tip toes. Four kits wriggled at Goldenflower's belly. Pikeclaw was looking down on them, pride glowing in his eyes. Two of the kits were golden like Goldenflower and the other two were russet like Pikeclaw. 

"Do they have names?" Greystar asked. 

"Yes. This is Meadowkit and this is Tulipkit," Goldenflower pointed to the two golden ones ," And this is Stonekit and Blazekit". Greystar smiled at them. 

"I love the names. Couldn't have done better. They are great names for the first ever kits born in DawnClan." Greystar meowed as he looked at the four healthy kits. 

"I heard there are new cats," Goldenflower mewed, gasping in air a little. She was obviously still exhausted after giving birth.

"Yes. Cloudtail, Longtail, Sandstorm and Ashpaw," Greystar told her. 

"Really? I can't wait to see them all again," Goldenflower closed her eyes lightly and curled her tail around her kits. 

"I'll leave you two," Greystar blinked and slowly backed out the den. His cats sat in the clearing, sharing tongues. Greystar smiled at the sight. It was really starting to feel like a real clan. He went over to Sandstorm. 

"So how did you all escape?" Greystar asked sitting down next to her and curling his tail tidily over his paws. 

"We didn't. They let us go. All of us," she answered. 

"What?! BloodClan let you go?!" Greystar gasped. 

"Yeah! I don't know what got into them but i'm sure fine with it!" Sandstorm laughed. 

The sun had dipped below the horizon and Greystar's clan was settling down. His new members were making their nests. Greystar couldn't be happier. He had brought ThunderClan back together. He was leader. He had done good. He was excited to see what the future would bring. What Goldenflower's kits would grow to be. If DawnClan would defeat BloodClan once and for all. Greystar gazed at the stars. DawnClan will defeat BloodClan. They will claim the land that was once theirs. 

The end. (Book 2 to come)

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