Chapter 15

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Greystar yawned and stretched. He leaped out the den and looked around. He felt frost crunching beneath his paws. Leaf-Bare wasn't that far off and his clan still hadn't moved. He had been planning on moving camps for a long time now. He still felt too close to BloodClan. They needed to start moving now! Before he could do anything though Jay came up to him. 

"Morning Greystar", she meowed ," I was just thinking something.. You know Pikeclaw?" 

"Yeah?" Greystar tilted his head slightly. 

"Well... Was he always called Pikeclaw?" she asked. 

"Er.. No. He used to be called just Pike. We gave him a warrior name", Greystar explained. He was surprised to see hurt in Jay's eyes. 

"Oh.. Do.. I get a warrior name then?" Jay gave him a pleading look. 

"Of course! Got any names in mind? You just need to add something at the end of your name like, Jaystorm or Jayfern or Jaytail or something", Greystar replied. 

"Great! Oh... umm... Is Jaysong ok?" she asked. 

"Yes, good choice of name!" Greystar approved. He leaped onto the flat rock and signalled for Jay or to be, Jaysong to follow. 

"All cats of DawnClan please gather beneath the flat rock for a clan meeting!" Greystar yowled. Jay looked excited. All his cats crept out their dens or looked up from their grooming. 

"Jay here, is a part of DawnClan and is a definite warrior as it is but she is missing just one small thing.. Her warrior name!" Greystar yowled ," So, as leader of DawnClan I may now pronounce Jay as Jaysong! Everyone in this clan shall now also call her of this name as if she'd had it since she was a kit", he finished. The cats below cheered her name and Greystar and Jaysong jumped down from the rock. Jaysong looked proud and she puffed her chest out. Greystar smiled. 

"Its a great name!" he heard some cat saying to Jaysong. Greystar suddenly realized something. He had forgotten to announce they were moving! Ugh! It was just like Greystar to forget. Leaping quickly back onto the rock he called back everyone's attention.  

"Also. We are going to be moving. We are still too near BloodClan and I know we may be the ones trying to stop them but until we are strong enough, we will not be able to fight them off. For now we must find a new camp. A permanent one", Greystar announced. All the cats started to whisper. 

"What if more clan cats escape from BloodClan? If we move away they won't be able to find us!" Frostfur argued. 

"Well, we could leave scent marks so they knew we were here?" Goldenflower suggested. 

"But then we could be telling BloodClan as well!" Pikeclaw protested. 

"Hush! We can leave a scent. BloodClan will hardly find or location from it. I mean, neither would any of the main clans cats but it's just to tell them that we were there and we are still alive", Greystar decided. Some cats still looked uncertain.  

"We don't have time for this! Scourge is a vicious cat and unless we stop arguing and get moving he or his clan-mates might find us!" Jaysong growled. 

"Jaysong's right. We leave tomorrow at Sunrise", Greystar decided and leaped down from the rock, no questions asked. The cats muttered to each other then started to head to their dens, except for Goldenflower who was approaching him. 

"Yes Goldenflower?" Greystar asked. 

"I have great news! I am going to have kits!" she told him excitedly. Greystar's eyes widened with shock. 

"Who's kits?" he asked. 

"Pikeclaw's", she acted like he was being a mouse-brain for not knowing. 

"I didn't realize you liked each other that way", Greystar was so surprised by this news! 

"Oh! Really? Well..... You know now!" Goldenflower mewed. 

"Well... I'm very happy for you. When do you think they'll arrive?" Greystar asked.  

"Err.... It will be near the middle of Leaf-Bare probably.." she seemed guilty for having kits at such an inconvenient time. 

"Okay, they will be the first ever kits born to DawnClan!" Greystar smiled. 

"Oh yeah! Well, I think Brackenfur wanted me on patrol so I better go!" she explained. 

"Wait! One question, does Pikeclaw know yet?" he asked. 

"Shh! No, not yet. I'll tell him soon though. Maybe a little closer to the time!" she whispered gleefully. Greystar nodded. 

"Ok. Bye Goldenflower", he mewed. Goldenflower ran over to Brackenfur who was discussing something with Jaysong. The three of them left camp to go hunting. The prey pile only consisted of a blackbird and a couple shrews, but it wasn't even SunHigh yet so it was fine. Greystar stretched and padded over to the camp entrance. He wanted to go out and have a look at where his Clan should go. He wanted to find a good path to take. He knew a hill that had no trees at the top. He could look over the territory from there. Running through the frosty woodland he raced up the high hill until he reached the top. A cold wind struck Greystar as he looked over the territory. The birch forest they were in slowly turned to pine in one direction. In another it sloped up into the mountains and the other it just seemed to go on and on until the mountains in the far distance. That seemed a good way to go. The mountains would be too cold for Leaf-Bare and Greystar didn't like pine woods. It was too dark and smelt damp. The way that fell into oak was heading back towards BloodClan so that wasn't an option. Going deeper into the pine woods seemed the only option. Greystar turned away and ran down the hill again. His paws felt numb by the end. He shook the frost off them and bounded back to camp, kicking the leaves as he went. He got back to camp quickly. Frostfur and Pikeclaw were talking by a raspberry bush. Mousefur and Dustpelt were practising battle moves in the clearing. Brackenfur, Jaysong and Goldenflower must still be out hunting. Greystar smiled. He was proud of this clan. They would defeat BloodClan and the four clans would be restored. 

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