Chapter 3

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Scourge yawned. The camp was a lot more spacious now that all those weak and idiotic forest cats were gone. Snake had just returned with the news that the forest cats were in their new home now. Scourge grinned. He went down and padded over to a flat rock. A she-cat walked up to him. It was Brick. Brick scuffed her paws on the ground. 

"Erm.... Scourge...." she muttered. 

"Yeah....." he replied. 

"I...... I.. sort of... like you...." she whispered. Scourges eyes widened in shock. Brick liked him? Scourge looked away. 

"O...h" he rasped. Brick looked up at him and shook her head.

"Do you" she asked. Scourge thought about it. He had never thought about him and Brick but now that she said it he could see a good future with her. 

"A bit..." he replied. Brick and Scourge just stood there awkwardly, saying nothing. A cat called Viper came up to them. He was a ginger tom with yellow eyes and a darkish blue collar. He only had a few teeth on it though because he was pretty new. 

"Erm... am i interrupting something? Its just.. I wanted to report there are no signs of the run-away she-cat and the patrol has returned", he told him. Scourge hissed. 

"Viper! Gather about seven cats and tell them i ordered them on patrol and if they don't find this she-cat don't bother coming back!" he ordered. 

"D...does that apply to me also?" he asked. 

"No. You won't go on patrol i only asked you to gather one. I want you to go hunting afterwards", Scourge replied and shooed Viper away with a wave of his paws. His cats had always been scrawny and had always asked food from him but with the whole forest now in his paws BloodClan would never go hungry again! He realized Brick was still there. 

"Umm... you can go hunting or something", he ordered. Brick nodded looking relieved to be out of the awkward bubble and scooted away through the crowd. This place was still not big enough for all his cats. He needed a clan cat to show him other places. Scourge knew this was only one clans camp. He knew there were more. He needed to find out! Scourge looked for his deputy and saw him talking to Ice. He went over to him. Snake looked up and his brother Ice went away. 

"I want you to take charge of camp while i'm gone. I am going to old camp to talk to those stupid excuses for cats", Scourge ordered. Snake nodded. 

"No problem Scourge I'll make sure they find that sneaky she-cat", he growled. Scourge nodded and moved on. He padded through the forest and sneaked round the back of a building. He leaped over a wall and saw the wall that surrounded old camp. He leaped onto it. Many heads turned to him. Scourge smiled, he felt more powerful that ever. He jumped down and the puny clan cats backed away. Cowards Scourge thought. He jumped onto a dumpster and looked down on them. 

"My new members of BloodClan!" Scourge snarled ," I am aware that there was not just one clan. I want a member of each clan to step forward now!". Four cats stood forward. One was Greystripe, one was a scarred brown tom, one was a russet she-cat and the other a grey she-cat. 

"Well? Why don't you introduce yourselves? You, brown cat! Speak!" Scourge ordered. The brown tom stood forward. 

"My Mudclaw....I am... from...Wind..Clan.." he breathed. Scourge nodded and looked over at the grey she-cat. The she-cat looked back and closed her eyes and took a deep breath. 

"I am Mistyfoot from Ri..RiverClan", she told him. Scourge sighed and looked over at the russet she-cat. 

"My name is Russetfur. I am from ShadowClan", she mewed more confidently than the others. This intrigued Scourge. ShadowClan wasn't too bad a name either. Scourge smiled and nodded to Greystripe. 

" Greystripe. I am from..ThunderClan", Scourge sensed a growl in his tone. 

"So is it ThunderClan camp i was led to then?" Scourge asked the four cats. They nodded. 

"I want five of my cats to go with who was it? Mistytoe or whatever to her camp. Go to ThunderClan camp and pick up about twenty cats on the way. Take them to Water-no RiverClan camp", Scourge ordered. He gave out the same orders for Mudclaw and Russetfur. Scourge was going to ShadowClan camp but first he would need to stay here overnight for there was a shortage of proper BloodClan cats. He would need to stay over. Scourge yawned and went over to the nest he used to have. It was in a box filled with ivy and moss from the buildings. He didn't need to sleep yet. Scourge suddenly realized how hungry he was. He wanted to go hunting but with a forest cat. He would test them. He got up and stood in the clearing. He spotted a ginger and white she-cat with a missing eye and a horrid pink pulp to replace it. She looked fierce. Scourge came up to her. She spun round and stared at him her one eye wide with shock. Scourge grinned. 

"What's your name?" he asked menacingly. 

"B.....Brightheart", she gasped. Scourge was disgusted by this name. Brightheart? How soft. How weak sounding. 

"Your changing your name", he growled. Brightheart sighed. She muttered something. 

"What was that?" Scourge snarled unsheathing his reinforced claws. Brightheart stiffened even more. 

"I was just saying... thats the second time my warrior names been changed..." she sighed.  Scourge tilted his head slightly. 

"Well now your name shall be.... hmm.... Oh! I shall rename you Half-face", he growled. Brightheart or well.. know Half-face looked horrified by the name. 

"My first warrior name was Lostface...." she breathed. Scourge smiled. 

"Good, then it won't be as hard to get used to", Scourge grinned. Half-face was about to leave. 

"Stop!" he snapped. Half-face turned around," Your coming hunting with me". He saw Half-face gulp. Scourge smiled maliciously. 

"This way", he ordered.

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