Chapter 19

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Greystar was ready. It had been three sunrises and his bushy grey fur was now knotted and mangled. He looked like a rouge now! One more thing he needed to do though. He padded up to Brackenfur. 

"Brackenfur. Before I leave I need you to do something", Greystar told him ," I need you to scratch me in the face. Not enough to really hurt but just enough to draw a bit of blood. I know it sounds crazy but I have plans ok?" he instructed. 

"A...are you sure?" Brackenfur's eyes widened. 

"Yes I'm sure!"

"Well.... ok then" 

Brackenfur unsheathed a claw and ran it down Greystar's face. He winced at the pain but he knew it would work well.  

"Right. I'm ready to go now. What name did I have again?" Greystar asked as a thin trail of blood ran down his cheek. He wiped it away. 

"It was River was it not?" Jaysong answered as she padded over. 

"That's not intimidating enough! I'm going to KillClan. My name has to be frightening in a way!" Greystar disagreed.  Pikeclaw came over. 

"What about Claw fur or something?"he suggested. Greystar sighed. 

"Right. Claw fur it is then" he meowed and made the announcement that he was leaving. There was no need to call meetings because his voice would echo through the caves. Greystar leaped out the crack in the wall landing on the snow blanket that lay over the whole forest.  He headed for KillClan's borders. He soon picked up the musty stench of them. He saw red in the snow and hoped it was prey blood and not cats. Maybe even as a member you were not safe in KillClan. He waited until he heard snow crunching from behind a bramble thicket. Greystar sat down and fluffed up his fur, which when all messy and unkempt made him look enormous. Three cats appeared. 

"Look! I told you I scented cat!" a familiar ginger she-cat exclaimed. Greystar remembered how he had rolled in mushrooms so his scent was hidden. 

"Who are you?" a snow white tom asked. 

"My name is Claw Fur", Greystar straightened up. 

"And what are you doing on our territory?" a brown tabby tom asked. 

"I wish to join KillClan. I have seen what Scourge is like! He forced me out my home to become a rouge and I want revenge so badly.. I heard about your clan and thought this could be my chance", Greystar quickly made up a story. The three cats looked thoughtful. 

"We will take you to our leader. He will decide what happens to you", the white tom growled ," Follow me". Greystar followed behind the white tom, flanked by the other two. They trudged through the thick snow until they reached a clearing in a large ditch. It was almost a gully by how big it was! The tom led him up to a large black tom. He noticed how almost all the cats here had fresh looking scars. Greystar shifted uncomfortably but stopped as the white tom led him up the hill. The black tom looked at Greystar. 

"Who's this?" he asked, eyes narrowed. 

"He says his name is Claw Fur and he wants to join our clan. He says BloodClan destroyed his home and he wants revenge", the white tom explained. The black tom still looked suspicious. 

"And your sure he's not a spy or anything?" he asked. Greystar's breath caught in his throat. He needed more excuses! 

"I don't think so. He doesn't look like a BloodClan cat. His ears not notched", he murmured. No notched ear? Did Scourge really do that? Notch his own clanmates ears? 

"Of course i'm not BloodClan. I would never dream of being one of those mangy flea-bags", Greystar hissed. 

"I will give you a chance but if you show any sign of being a traitor... I will kill you", he growled. Greystar gulped. Perhaps this wasn't such a good idea. 

"Right. Well I'm Spirit, leader of this clan. Dart here, is one of my best warriors. He can show you around", the black tom told him briskly. Dart nodded. 

"Come on then", he meowed gruffly. Greystar followed him around camp. 

"So, what plans do you have on defeating BloodClan?" Greystar hissed. 

"Well, they have multiple camps so we want to get rid of them one by one", Dart told him. 

"Which one do we get first?" Greystar asked, pretending to be eager. 

"We plan on destroying the river camp first because BloodClan doesn't teach swimming and its the smallest camp apart from the one in the twoleg place which we will attack just before main camp because its just full of prisoner cats which are usless to BloodClan anyway and even Scourge knows it", he explained. 

"Does every camp have its own leader?" Greystar asked. 

"Yes. The river camp one drowned recently I think so they'll have a new one now but we don't know", he answered. 

"How do you know all this information?" 

"Why do you ask so many questions? Some of our clan were former BloodClan cats, in fact most of it is. Spirit, our leader used to be another cat. His BloodClan name was Crow, but our first leader was Sprite but he disappeared one day and we haven't seen him since", he sighed. 

"I'm only asking questions because I want revenge", Greystar meowed hesitantly.  

"Right. Well I would just appreciate it if you shut your mouth for a bit. I'm getting sick of questions", Dart grumbled. These cats sure are grumpy Greystar thought. Greystar took his word though and kept his mouth shut. He took him over to a scraggly bush. A ginger she-cat lay there with three squirming kits at her belly. She flattened her ears slightly as they came over. 

"This is the nursery, but you don't really need to know about that. Oh, I forgot to tell you, in KillClan we have a rule. Only Spirit and Dagger are aloud to have mates unless another cat is given permission. If you are caught with a she-cat you could loose your throat", Dart explained. Greystar's eyes widened. What kind of a rule was that? How will there clan prosper if they don't allow new kits to be born?! Greystar didn't say anything though and kept going. Dart led him to a patch of thick bushes. Inside Greystar saw fresh looking beds full of fluffed feathers and the softest moss. 

"This den is for the KillWarriors", Dart explained. 

"KillWarriors?" Greystar asked. 

"KillWarriors are warriors that get extra special treatment. If you do a certain thing that pleases Spirit enough or if you are an exceptionally good warrior he will make you a KillWarrior", Dart told him. Greystar nodded. Dart then led him to a patch of less luscious looking bushes. The nests looked a bit dryer and untidy. 

"This is the den for normal warriors. This is where you will be sleeping", Dart told him. Greystar nodded again. It was good enough... it would do. Greystar was then led to a cave in the wall. It was contained one nest. It looked like as nice as a KillWarrior nest, nicer even. 

"This is Daggers den, and the cave up there is Spirits den but not even Dagger's aloud up there without being invited", Dart explained pointing to Spirit's cave up the cliff. Even the pathway to Spirit's den was lay with fresh springy moss! 

After a small tour of the territory it was dark and Greystar was just heading to his nest. He felt he hadn't got enough information today to return to DawnClan so he would stay another night. Greystar crawled into his nest. He took back what he said about the nests being ok. Most the warriors got ok looking ones but Greystar was new so his nest was messy and dry with sharp twigs jabbing into him but he had to do this. This was the next step to defeating BloodClan. 

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