Chapter 2

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Greystripe stared at the place he would have once called home, now swarming with bloodthirsty, murderous cats. Frostfur padded over to him. He noticed that one of her ears was torn and a thin trickle of blood still continued to run down from it. 

"This is terrible...Firestar is dead... I knew BloodClan may take a few lives but I was so confident Firestar would win.." Greystripe stammered. He wanted to wail in grief, but then he'd be in StarClan before he could say mouse. Frostfur pressed up against Greystripe.

"I know... I wonder what Scourge plans on doing next and why he spared us," Frostfur whispered. Suddenly a mangy looking yellowish-ginger she-cat with a green dog tooth collar and gleaming amber eyes came trotting towards them. There was no grace in her steps.

 "Come on, you scrawny forest fools. Scourge doesn't take well to weak cats like you so you better follow me or you'll find yourselves ending up like, oh who was it...? Oh yes, Cinderpelt!" she rasped, constantly sounding like she needed to cough. Greystripe winced at the mention of the brave spirited she-cat who Scourge had ordered to be killed when she tried to escape this horrible fate. The BloodClan she-cat let out a mrrrrrow of laughter. 

"You are weak in the body and in heart I see" she sneered. Greystripe tried as best he could not to unsheathe his claws in anger as he watched the smirk on the flea-ridden BloodClan cat widen. She led them into a small clearing. 

"Okay you, the pretty little white cat. I want you to sit and watch. You... Greystripe? Ugh, I don't care! Just stand there and I will demonstrate the killing moves on you with claws maybe half-sheathed if your lucky" she instructed. Greystripe gulped in fear. He wanted to collapse in relief as she lunged for his throat claws fully sheathed. 

The three trained until sun-down and by which time, Greystripe was starving and exhausted. 

"That's enough for today. Go hunt for yourself and bring me the plumpest prey you can find, or next training session my claws won't be sheathed at all", the yellow BloodClan she-cat ordered, her voice cold. Greystripe and Frostfur raced off in opposite directions. He quickly picked up the warm scent of mouse and parted the grass to reveal a small grey creature searching for food on the forest floor. Greystripe bunched his muscles before exploding from the bushes, paws outstretched. He soon felt its warm body between his claws. He killed it with a swift bite to the neck and buried it under the roots of a rowan for later. He then picked up the scent of a rabbit, following the scent until he found himself in the sandy hollow, where ThunderClan used to train. Pain pricked at his heart like a bramble thorn as he remembered the times when he was a happy apprentice, training in the lush peaceful forest without a care in the all the clans. Life will never be like that again, he reminded himself solemnly. He pushed away his thoughts and got back to hunting his prey. He leapt at the rabbit and killed it swiftly but landed clumsily, ruffling his fur. He fixed the knots he had created before collecting his rabbit and the mouse he had caught and returned to camp. Frostfur was nowhere to be seen but he did spot the green collar of the horrid BloodClan she-cat from before. He went towards her and dropped the plump rabbit before her paws. It was a great catch and the she-cat didn't deserve it. She leaned forward and sniffed it cautiously. 

"Acceptable. Now go away!" she hissed, carrying her prey into the crowd. There were so many BloodClan cats, maybe even more than all the others combined. All surviving cats from the other four clans were also staying in the same clearing, which meant the camp was extremely crowded. There was no open space to be seen and no room left in the dens for 'mere forest cats'. Greystripe sighed before spotting Frostfur as she emerged from a gorse bush at the edge of the clearing with two voles. She was about to speak when suddenly an ear-splitting yowl broke her off. Scourge was on high rock, his blue eyes still dark with the same malice as had shown in the battle. 

"So it appears when one forest cat went hunting they escaped. I want a search party to go looking for them. When you find them let them die slowly. I also want to announce that now no forest cat is to leave camp without a REAL BloodClan warrior to escort them. If I catch any forest cat breaking this rule they will be slaughtered regardless. Is that clear?" Scourge snarled. Suddenly BloodClan cats started to get up and break the meeting. Greystripe watched in horror as they started making a circle around camp. The fern wall had been replaced by a wall of cats!

"It would be a shame to lose potential warriors, but I'll kill each and every one of you if I have to!" Scourge hissed, gaze raking over the shivering group of clan cats before jumping down and choosing the cats that would go to search for the runaway cat. Greystripe's legs wobbled as he went over to a quieter spot and sat down to eat his mouse. He was aware of a black tom staring at him, his yellow eyes seeming to penetrate his fur. Greystripe tried to ignore it and finished his mouse. He sat up and looked at the once sweet, but now bitter and disgusting place. He was revolted by his own birthplace. Frostfur approached him again. 

"It was Goldenflower," she whispered quietly, a tear running down her cheek. Greystripe tilted his head in confusion. 

"Goldenflower what?" he asked, heart, starting to race. 

"She... sh... she was the one wh..who ran away...whil...while...while hunting," she stammered which was followed by a despairing wail. She didn't seem to care about the twenty or so BloodClan cats that were now glaring at her. Greystripe felt his mouth go dry. Goldenflower was going to die. The BloodClan cats would surely get her. Greystripe saw Snake walk up to them. 

"Don't speak and follow me!" he snarled, eyes like that of an adders. Fitting Greystripe thought as he swallowed nervously and slowly got to his paws. Frostfur followed, her head down. Greystripe was led to a group of cats. He noticed they were all clan cats. Snake let out a yowl and BloodClan cats started to surround the group. 

"Follow my lead!" Snake spat, puffing out his chest. The BloodClan cats forced the clan cats to move along, despite being unaware of where they were going. They left the forest and were soon in TallPines. They then led them behind a large Twoleg nest with dull grey walls and cracks running down it. Finally, they ended up in a large clearing full of Twoleg rubbish and rotting crowfood. 

"Welcome to your new camp," Snake grinned. The Clan cats gasped in shock. The BloodClan cats were swapping camps! 

"You lot! You will also be staying here for a while. That might change eventually, but for now, by Scourge's order, you must guard our old home so nobody else escapes," Snake ordered, before turning to the forest cats, "Scourge was testing your loyalty to us when he gave you the privilege to mingle with our clan. Apparently, he was wrong to put such faith into such disgusting creatures." And With that, Snake padded away and Greystripe was left there with the rest of the clans. He was now truly lost... 

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