Chapter 17

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Greystar was gathering his cats. They were moving. Moving deeper into the woods. Everyone was gathered. It wouldn't be a huge journey but with the recent snow it still wouldn't be easy. Greystar had waited for a brighter day to start their journey, though snow still lay on the ground. There were hardly an clouds so Greystar just had to hope the weather would remain tame. Brackenfur stood beside him. Dustpelt and Frostfur stood guarded the back. They were ready to go. Greystar advanced forward, trudging through the thick snow. It was so cold it felt as if foxes were biting at his toes. He shuddered but forced himself to continue. It wasn't exactly the best season to be travelling but they had to do it. They came to a stream. The edges were frozen but water still flowed in the middle. It would have been an easy jump if he could still feel his own paws. He found a shaky rock that let him across though Goldenflower nearly fell in. She was becoming noticeably plumper. Greystar was excited for her to give birth to the first kits of DawnClan. Suddenly Greystar heard something from the bushes. He raised his tail and his clan halted. Suddenly a russet tom stepped out from the bushes followed by a mangy ginger she-cat and a skinny yet fierce looking silver tom. Greystar's mouth felt dry. Were these BloodClan cats? 

"What are you doing on KillClan territory?" the russet tom growled. KillClan?Greystar thought. 

"Sorry. We didn't realize we were trespassing. Where are the borders? We will leave peacefully", Greystar apologized. 

"Who are you? Do you know of BloodClan?" the redish tom asked. 

"Yes. We were their prisoners not long ago. We are trying to get away so they can't find us", Greystar explained. 

"What's your name?" the ginger she-cat hissed. 

"I am Greystar", he introduced. 

"Do you wish to get revenge on BloodClan?" the russet tom asked curiously. 

"Well... Yes, but we're not ready yet. We need more warriors"

"Warriors? Are you a clan?" 

"Yes. We are DawnClan. We will one day defeat Scourge and take back the clan territories", Greystar introduced his clan. The tom suddenly bared his teeth. 

"Well sorry kitty but that space is taken! KillClan is going to kill Scourge and all his mange-ridden clan cats! And after that the territories will be ours! They will not belong to some stray kittypets!" the tom snarled.  Greystar saw Brackenfur unsheathed his claws. 

"We are not kittypets we are clan cats. Real clan cats", he hissed. 

"You don't look worthy of a clan cat to me", the tom sneered back. 

"Your outnumbered! Starting a fight would be unwise!" Frostfur told him, her eyes narrowed. The tom hesitated. 

"Fine! Get off our territory and don't let me find you here ever again!" he spat and disappeared into the bushes along with his two 'clan-mates'. 

"Great, now we have two clans we have to fight!" Jaysong growled. 

"I'm sure they'll stay out our way", Mousefur told her. 

"I don't", Dustpelt bared his teeth. 

"Hush! We can discuss this later! Right now we need to keep moving!" Greystar ordered. His cats fell silent and followed him through KillClan's territory until they were far away. Greystar came to a big cliff. A few thin waterfalls tumbled down into the ice cold water below. Greystar saw no way up the cliff, they would have to go around. Turning left he padded on. The snow was thinner next to the shelter of the cliff. Suddenly Goldenflower called. 

"Look what I found!" she was standing in front of a big crack in the cliff side. She crawled in. 

"Are you sure that's safe Goldenflower?" Greystar yowled after her as he bounded over. 

"It's a cave!" she exclaimed. Greystar heard her voice echoing. Greystar followed her inside. Greystar looked around. The cave was quite large. Large enough to fit a clan but not so large that it would be freezing. There was the entrance and a few small holes in the walls not unnoticeable from the other side that let in light. It was good. It didn't feel like a permanent camp but it would do for Leaf-Bare at the most.  

"Come inside!" Greystar called as he realized the rest of his clan was still standing out in the cold. He let them get used to their new camp for a bit. 

"This is only camp till Leaf-Bare passes. I don't think it will be our camp forever. Well done for finding this Goldenflower", Greystar praised. 

"No problem!" she smiled. 

"Brackenfur, set up two patrols. One for hunting, one for collecting bedding for our new camp", Greystar ordered. 

"Sure thing", Brackenfur nodded and started setting up patrols. Greystar lay down in a corner. He beckoned Goldenflower over. She sat down beside him on the hard floor. It was a mix of stone and dirt. 

"What should we do about this whole KillClan thing?" Greystar asked. 

"I don't know. I suggest we just ignore them until- No if  they become a problem", Goldenflower advised. Greystar wasn't sure. 

"But shouldn't we do something before they get the chance?" Greystar argued. 

"Bu what can we do?" she asked. Greystar hissed in annoyance. 

"I don't know! We know nothing about this clan! Just that they are just another band of rouges like BloodClan who are going to get in our way!" Greystar hissed. 

"We could always spy?" Greystar jumped at the sound of Backenfur's voice behind him.  

"It's risky.... But it could work.." Greystar muttered.  

"I have an idea!" Goldenflower suddenly exclaimed. Greystar and Brackenfur jerked their heads towards her. 

"What?" they asked at the same time. 

"What if one of us pretends to be a rouge wanting to join their clan. If they let us in we could get information out of them and then sneak away again at night!" she told them. 

"Genius! But who would go?" Brackenfur questioned. 

"I will go", Greystar decided. 

"But won't they recognize you from today?" Goldenflower pressed. 

"Well, what I'm going to do is wait a few sun-rises and not wash my pelt once. If I do that I should go all messy and unkempt like a rouge and they probably will have forgotten about our patrol and they will let me join, plus if they do find out I have nine lives so I will be safest to do it", Greystar explained. 

"Good idea. You need a new name though", Goldenflower told him. 

"Err...." Greystar thought. 

"What about River?" Brackenfur suggested. 

"Wasn't that the name of the first RiverClan cat?" Goldenflower tilted her head. 

"Perhaps, but KillClan won't know that" 

"It just seems a bit disrespectful" 

"Well we are saving the clans by doing this so I think they'll let us off", Greystar sighed. 

"So we're really going to do this?" Goldenflower reassured. 

"Yes. Yes we are"

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