Chapter 12

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Scourge spat in fury. Sunset had just come to him to say three more forest clan cats had escaped. 

"Your joking?" Scourge snarled. 

" Scourge... I am not", she ducked her head. Scourge suddenly lunged at her and scored his claws along her face. Yowling she backed away. 

"Well don't let it happen again or your punishment will be a lot more painful than that!" Scourge threatened. Sunset nodded half eagerly half scared.  

"Enough. Venom!" Scourge summoned ," Take this disappointment back to her camp and stay there for the night to make sure she leads properly this  time or she won't lead at all!"                       Venom obeyed and half leaded half shoved Sunset out of camp. Scourge hissed, still outraged. Sunset had told him she had sent a search party after the run-away cats but they had not returned yet! Too many cats were escaping. His real BloodClan cats were free to leave when they pleased but the other clan cats were not members, they were prisoners. 

It was the next morning and Scourge was heading past the river. He was going to visit the prisoner camp. He wanted to see if he would need to punish Sunset again after her recent stupidity. He jumped over the metal fence and ran through the alleyways before reaching camp. He spotted Venom snarling at a clan prisoner. He called them clan prisoners instead of forest cats now because BloodClan were now the forest cats! The clan prisoners were shuffling in the shadows. He would kill those rat-faced, mouse hearted fools! He would wait for them to die off. They would provide more food and if they were to have kits they would be forced to learn BloodClan rules instead of the petty code of the other clans! He spotted Sunset growling at a tom.  Scourge went over. 

"Who's this worthless scrap of fur?" Scourge asked. 

"He calls himself Webfoot. The name suits his duck billed face!" Sunset told him. He noticed how Webfoot was bleeding from the tail and above the eye. 

"And what sort of training exercise is this?" Scourge started to circle Webfoot menacingly. He wanted to make sure he felt uncomfortable here. 

"Oh, it's not training, it's punishment", she growled, Scourge pricked his ears, interested ," He was caught heading for the walls. He states he wasn't trying to escape he was only looking for his mentor, Ellen but I don't believe this foolish, untrustworthy flea-bag!" 

"Good. And what about the places cats have been escaping from? Are they guarded?" Scourge asked, narrowing his eyes. 


"Good. Venom will be returning to camp now", Scourge flicked his tail and padded over to Venom. The black and white tom looked up. 

"You can come back to main camp now. I feel almost bad for putting a good warrior in such a worthless place", Scourge told him. Venom dipped his head and followed Scourge out of camp. Scourge was about to leave when he heard fast pawsteps behind him. Turning around he saw a mottled dark brown tom racing towards him. 

"Wait!" he called. Narrowing his eyes, Scourge stopped, chest puffed out so he still looked menacing. 

"What do you want?" Venom hissed. Scourge bared his teeth at Venom. 

"I'll do the talking thank you!" Scourge hissed at Venom through gritted teeth. 

"Speak!" Scourge spun around and glared at the prisoner cat. 

"My name is Mudclaw. I... I don't want to live like this... I've always had this urge to kill, to betray... The only thing that held me back was that I wanted WindClan to trust me enough to let me become leader so I could rule all those skinny flea-pelts.... Now that I can't... I wish to join you. I would, no, I will kill for this!" he introduced. Scourge was suspicious. Did he mean that? Or was he just tricking Scourge into letting him out of camp so he could run away. 

"Sure. I will let you join on heavy guard on one condition!" Scourge began ," You must kill a WindClan cat!"  Mudclaw seemed surprised by this. 

"Oh! Well that seems easy! Can I pick who?" Mudclaw asked, grinning maliciously. 

"Go ahead", Scourge invited. Mudclaw was scanning the crowd. 

"That one! Over there!" he spat looked at a brown tabby with a solemn look on it's face.  

"Why choose him?" Scourge asked curiously. 

"His name is Onewhisker. I always hated him. He was best friends with Tallstar and I knew he liked him more than me. I was going to plan on killing him then but hey, why not just do it now!" Mudclaw snarled back. Scourge nodded and Mudclaw ran forward, pouncing on top of him and digging his claws into his shoulders. 

"Mudclaw! What are you doing?!" Onewhisker yelped. 

"Something I should have done moons ago!" Mudclaw spat back in answer, clawing at his neck fur. 

"Traitor!" a cat called from the crowd. Scourge hissed. 

"Killing is the rules here! By saying my code is traitorous perhaps you are really the traitor!" Scourge hissed back. He looked back to see Mudclaw was now pinned to the ground. 

"You can't do this! Did your mother teach you nothing? Did Tallstar teach you nothing?" Onewhisker growled. Suddenly Mudclaw wriggled one paw away and slashed it as quick and violent as lightning across Onewhiskers throat. Onewhisker yowled before flopping off him and onto the ground. He noticed how angry the clan prisoner cats looked. Their angry glares all rested on Mudclaw but none dared speak. 

"Your not too mousehearted but you must go through the trials first, then you can join," Scourge explained. 

"Anything to get away from those flea-ridden piles of foxdung!" Mudclaw growled back. Scourge grinned. 

"You might not survive them", Scourge threatened. 

"I will die if it means I don't have to be around them anymore!" Mudclaw spat, glaring back at the angry prisoner cats. 

"Well then, I cannot announce you as a BloodClan member but I here by announce Mudclaw shall no longer be known as a prisoner!" Scourge yowled.  Mudclaw was beaming but even when he was happy his smile looked malicious somehow. This could work but Scourge was still weary. He might still just want to escape. Maybe some cats would kill to leave Scourge's prison?

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