Chapter 11

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Greystar woke up as the bright sunlight beamed through the crevice under the rock. Stretching, Greystar jumped out the den. He was surprised as a cold breeze hit his face. LeafFall was nearing. Greystar reminded himself his clan needed to move. They weren't actually all that far away from ShadowClan territory and Greystar knew that Scourge will have sent many search parties after them. They would have to find a new home, a place they could claim a territory, but before all that Greystar wanted to hunt. He noticed Pikeclaw climbing out from under the boulder. Greystar approached him. 

"Morning Pikeclaw. Want to go hunting?" he asked. It would be good to get to know this cat more. 

"Sure! I'd be happy too!" he answered enthusiastically. Greystar smiled and led the way, through the bushes. He soon picked up the scent of vole. He crept forward slowly until he spotted it, scrambling under a leaf and reappearing with a seed in its tiny paws. Greystar flicked his tail to signal Pikeclaw to be still before stalking towards it. When he was close enough he pounced, killing it quickly. He held up his kill to find a frightening scent touch his nose. Cat scent! And it wasn't DawnClan! The look in Pikeclaw's eyes told him he had picked up the scent too. Signalling for Pikeclaw to follow, Greystar sneaked through the bushes until he saw a pale grey she-cat lapping from a small stream. She had no collar, no BloodClan scent and no other cats with her. Greystar pushed out the bushes hesitantly. The she-cat looked up and immediately got to her paws. 

"Hello", Greystar nodded to her. The she-cat looked suspicious. Pikeclaw appeared as well. 

"Please.. don't hurt me..." she breathed, backing away until she was on the edge of the stream. 

"We won't! We promise!" Pikeclaw told her but she didn't really seem to believe them. 

"We were just worried  in case you were from BloodClan", Greystar explained. The she-cat's eyes widened. 

"BloodClan? They are the ones who killed my friend!" she exclaimed.  

"Probably..." Pikeclaw mummbled. 

"What happened?" Greystar asked, sitting down so he didn't look as threatening. The she-cat seemed to take a step forward, away from the stream edge and then sat down too. 

"I was in the willow hollow... Me, Torch and Tiger had just caught a mouse when came.. He said he was leader of BloodClan and he wanted us to join.... Torch though... he got angry at... Scourge was it? Anyway, he attacked him but Scourge seemed to be invincible and he killed him! I was so afraid, I ran away. Surprisingly nobody seemed to have followed but I still have no idea what happened to Tiger..." she blurted out the whole story.  Greystar paused. 

"So.... are you alone now?" Greystar asked hesitantly. The she-cat nodded. 

"Whats your name?" Pikeclaw asked gently. 

"Jay", she replied ," Who are you? Why have you not chased me away yet?" she asked. 

"I'm Greystar and this is Pikeclaw. I am leader of DawnClan. We are the cats who escaped from BloodClan and are now planning on how to take back whats ours! I used to be in one of the forest clans but BloodClan took it over but me and a few other cats escaped," Greystar introduced. 

"Yeah, I used to be a member of BloodClan but as soon as I realized how cold-hearted and cruel they are I ran away. Scourge said I was welcome to go", Pikeclaw added. Jay seemed to look a lot more trusting now. 

"It all makes sense now! Er... This might sound silly but.... any chance of me joining your clan?" Jay asked. Greystar was delighted. 

"Of course!" he told her, leaping to his paws. Pikeclaw seemed happy too. 

"Pikeclaw, go fetch that vole will you? I'm going to take Jay back to camp and introduce her to the other two", Greystar ordered. 

"Sure! I'll try catching something too because I haven't really have the chance yet!" Pikeclaw obeyed enthusiastically. 

"Good idea", Greystar approved ," Come on Jay, camp's this way". 

When Greystar and Jay reached camp, Goldenflower and Frostfur were sunning themselves on the flat rock Greystar stood on to call meetings. It wasn't disrespectful or anything because this wasn't permanent camp. They both looked over as Greystar approached. 

"There you are!" Frostfur exclaimed before suddenly noticing the strange cat next to him. 

"Who's this?" Golenflower asked. 

"This is Jay. Me and Pikeclaw found her by the stream. She wants to join our clan!" Greystar told her. 

"That's great!" Frostfur smiled. 

"Goldenflower, could you teach Jay a bit about the warrior code? It would be helpful and we might give her a warrior name if that's ok with her!" Greystar asked her. 

"As long as it's not something stupid", Jay told him. Greystar smiled. He liked this cat. She would be a good addition to the clan. 

"Come up here Jay! Me and Frostfur will tell about the warrior clans! It won't be too boring I promise!" Goldenflower called. Jay leaped up onto the flat rock and Goldenflower began teaching her the ways of the warrior world. Just then, Pikeclaw came out the bushes with the vole and a magpie that he must have caught. 

"Welcome back Pikeclaw!" Greystar nodded. Pikeclaw smiled and dropped it in the small prey pile of two shrews. It didn't need to be big considering how small the clan was. 

"I um... have news", Pikeclaw told Greystar once he had dropped his prey in the pile. 

"Well? What is it?" Greystar asked. 

"I was hunting further out and I picked up this scent. Sort of like your scent but... not.. and there was a trace of Bloodclan scent too!" Pikeclaw meowed. 

"Hmm... maybe it was more clan cats that escaped!" Greystar exclaimed. 

"You think? But what if they're a BloodClan patrol?" Pikeclaw pondered. 

"BloodClan patrols don't smell anything like me, I can tell you that!" Greystar growled. 

"Should we go check it out?" Pikeclaw suggested. 

"Yes. That would be a good idea. Show me where you scented it", Greystar ordered before chasing Pikeclaw through the bushes and towards the scent.  

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