Chapter 23

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Greystar was at the River Camp. They were winning. KillClan warriors really were fierce! They fought with ruthless moves and there were many dead cats. It made Greystar feel a bit sick but he had to keep fighting. Suddenly a load of BloodClan cat's burst into camp. Greystar gasped as a she-cat landed on top of him. Greystar hissed and kicked out with his back legs, flinging her off. She skidded on the ground and quickly spun back around, hissing. Suddenly she narrowed her eyes. 

"Wait, I recognize you", she hissed, suspicion flickering in her hostile green eyes. 

"Er..", Greystar coughed ," Why would you recognize me? Now less chat and more you loosing!" he snarled. The she-cat hissed but kept dodging Greystar's pounces. She didn't try fight back. 

"Who are you?" she hissed. 

"My name's Claw Fur! What's it to you?" Greystar felt bad for being so mean but he had to act like the vicious bloodthirsty cat he was pretending to be. Also, this was a BloodClan cat after all. But before either of them could make a move a KillClan cat pounced on the she-cat, knocking her to the ground. Greystar nodded to the KillClan ct and ran off to find another cat to fight. Suddenly Greystar stopped. All the cats were fighting, it was dark, it was a blizzard, this was his chance to escape! He had to get back to his clan! Were they ok? The storm was wild, the only thing that kept Greystar warm enough was the thrill of the fight. He had to escape now though. This was his chance. His only chance. He ducked behind a reed bush. He knew a few short-cuts and hiding places in RiverClan territory because he had joined them for a while at one point. He followed the reeds until he reached the river. He checked nobody was following him and darted out from the bushes, paws churning up the untouched snow. The icy wind was blinding but Greystar pushed on until he finally started to make out the silhouettes of trees. Greystar raced for them, paws numb and stumbled through the bushes. The wind dropped as if he had just broken into a new place. The wind on the moor was wild but in the forest it wasn't nearly as extreme. Greystar sat in the hazel thicket and warmed up for a moment before forcing himself on. These were BloodClan forests. It wasn't safe to stop here for long. If he was found, he would be dead. Greystar kept to the thickest undergrowth not only for warmth but for cover too. Soon he reached four trees. The blizzard whipped round the trunks of the oaks and deep snow lay between them in the clearing. Greystar felt a pang of sadness as he remembered the peaceful meetings that used to go on here. Sighing, Greystar kept going until he reached the swampy marsh. The mud was frozen and the reeds were stiff with cold. At least my paws won't get muddy Greystar thought. He tried to be positive but this weather was so horrible that Greystarr just couldn't be happy. All he could do was worry about his clan. Were they ok? The storm could've killed one of them! What if Goldenflower had kitted? In this storm? Greystar shook his head and just kept going. He wanted to run but moving his limbs too fast was painful. His toes felt as if they were about to fall off and so did his ears. Finally he reached the trees and the wind broke again just as it had done when he'd entered the BloodClan forests that had used to belong to the proud and reasonable ThunderClan cats. Greystar ran through the forest, feeling safe for the first time in a long while. Greystar began to detect the scent of his cats ad raced towards it. After much running he found the waterfall on the cliff and went along it until he found the cave. He leaped through. 

"Greystar!" cats started to shout. Greystar's legs trembled with relief as his cats gathered around him, bombarding him wit questions. Greystar didn't mind, he was just happy to be home again. 

"Hey! Get away, give him some space!", Greystar looked up to see Frostfur looking down at him with kind eyes. The cats backed away and allowed Frostfur to pad closer.   

"The storm out there is horrific! You must be frozen,  come on, let's get you to your nest", she instructed. As much as she was treating him like a kit, Greystar didn't care. He was just thankful that she could be bothered to help. She led him to a comfy looking nest. It looked like a Kill Warrior nest. They must have made it for him coming back. That was nice of them Greystar thought warmly. He half lay down half collapsed into his soft, warm nest, relishing the feeling of the twigless moss. Frostfur soon returned with a plump vole, not a scrawny mouse like he would get in KillClan. Greystar finished his vole in four swift bites. Frostfur sat down and curled her tail neatly over her paws. 

"Are you ready to tell us about KillClan or do you want to rest some more?" Frostfur asked. Greystar licked the stray vole around his lips, 

"I think I'll tell you all in the morning. It's late and I have a lot to tell", Greystar explained. Frostfur nodded and started to walk away when a thought hit Greystar. Why wasn't his deputy the one doing this? It wasn't that Frostfur wasn't good enough just that he hadn't seen Brackenfur or Dustpelt for that matter when he had arrived,

"Wait! Where's Brackenfur and Dustpelt?" Greystar called. Frostfur stopped. 

"Err.. I'm not sure actually, haven't seen them since this afternoon", she replied. Greystar's eyes widened. What if they were out in the storm? Greystar immediately got to his recently defrosted paws. He ran to the entrance and peeked through at the wildness of outside the cave. He looked around but all he could see was white and grey. Greystar backed away and blew the frost off his nose. 

"What's wrong Greystar?" Jaysong asked coming up behind him. 

"Brackenfur and Dustpelt. Their not out in the storm are they?" Greystar asked. 

"Well Dustpelt's not. He was hunting all day, preparing for the storm. He said he could sense it coming. He worked so hard today, he's fast asleep in his den now though", Jaysong told him. Relief washed over him at her words but soon the stress came back. 

"And Brackenfur?" he urged. 

"Haven't seen him", Jaysong looked worried now. She went and looked out the cave entrance too. 

"I hope that if he is out there, that he's ok", Greystar sighed. 

"I could go looking-" 

"No. I don't need more cats stuck in that storm", Greystar cut off Jaysong's offer. Jaysong sighed.

"Ok. Maybe we should get some rest, you especially, and then look for him when the storms calmed down", Jaysong suggested. Greystar hissed. He had to agree. As much as he wanted and needed to find his lost deputy but he couldn't send even more cats out into that atrocious weather. 

"Fine, but as soon as the storm is calm enough, I will be going out to find him", Greystar agreed grudgingly. Jaysong nodded respectfully. 

"That is understandable", she mewed before padding away to her own nest. Greystar sighed and went over to his. He tried to sleep but all he could think about was Brackenfur out in that vicious storm.  Eventually though, the howling of the wind sent him to sleep. 

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