Chapter 18

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Scourge stretched as the sun shone through the leaves that sheltered his nest. He stood out to feel snow on his paws. It was weird to have white snow not brown slushy snow like they had in Twoleg Place. Before he could even pick a mouse from the pile Snake and a few others came running up to him. 

"KillClan! A patrol of them! They captured one of us! There were too many! They said unless we returned their cat they wouldn't return ours!" Snake blurted out. Scourge suddenly remembered their prisoner. Acorn was it? Well, KillClan wouldn't play with him like that. He leaped onto the jagged rock. 

"All cats of BloodClan, KillClan had captured one of us and we're going to take them back!" Scourge yowled. His cats yowled and spat in anger from below. 

"I want everyone except for seven, who will be guards, to come with me and attack KillClan! We will get them back! Who did they take Snake?" Scourge asked. 

"It was Erin!" he told her. Erin was a good fighter but she had been coughing a bit lately. She might be ill so that might be how they managed to capture her. 

"Right. I want you to decide the seven who stay behind. I will be waiting at the entrance. Bring yourself and every other cat with you", Scourge growled. Snake bowed and got to it. Scourge padded out the camp walls. Maybe they should head further into the pine forests to shelter from the snow. There was no time for those decisions now though. Right now, he had a clan to fight. After a short while Snake reappeared with around thirty cats behind him. It would do. 

"Lets get going", Scourge hissed. Within no time they were at the KillClan borders. Anger must have made him faster. He crossed the border as if it didn't exist and charged towards camp. He let out an ear-splitting battle cry as he charged into the clearing. All the KillClan cats spun around. Scourge stopped. The rest of his clan skidded to a halt behind him, hissing and spitting with their teeth bared. Dagger and another black tom came forward.  

"Scourge! What do you think your doing here?" the black tom spat. 

"Taking back my cat!" he hissed back. He forced his fur flat and sat down, a sneering look in his malignant eyes. 

"Return Acorn then we will happily return her!" he spat back. Scourge started to lick his paw, 

"I don't think so" 

His cats started to advance forward. 

"You want a fight? Well, your going to get one!" the black tom spat ," KillClan, attack!" 

KillClan charged forward. His cats came yowling forward. Snake leaped at the black tom, pinning him to the ground. Three of his cats were currently on top of Dagger. Scourge slunk through the crowd of screeching cats until he reached the edge. He looked around camp until he saw three powerful looking KillClan cats guarding a cave. Erin must be being held in there! Scourge leaped onto a high place. 

"Erin is in their!" he yowled pointing with his tail towards the crack. About five BloodClan warriors went charging towards it, KillClan cats running desperately after them. Dagger spat and started to run towards Scourge. Scourge however, had the advantage of higher ground. He leaped down and landed on top of him. He tore his claws down his chest, barely missing his throat. Dagger screeched in both anger and pain and pummelled at Scourge's belly with his hind legs. Scourge felt like a kit for not realizing that could happen. Yowling Scourge clamped his jaws down on Daggers neck. Just before he snapped the bone he felt somebody knock him away. Snarling in rage he spun round to see a ginger she-cat. 

"Thanks RaggingFire", Dagger wheezed. 

"Fool!" Scourge screeched and slashed his claws across her face. Once she was on the ground he turned to face Dagger. 

"I'm going to rip out you intestines and strangle you with them!" Scourge snarled as he slashed down Daggers spine. 

"Stop!" Scourge heard the black toms yowl across the clearing. He must be their leader. Scourge spat at Dagger before glaring at the black tom. 

"We give in! She's not worth it. Not if lives will be lost", he called. Scourge smiled. He yowled in victory and stared down at all the bloody battle-worn cats. 

"Your clan is weaker than I thought. Good luck stealing back the territory with such feeble excuses for warriors!" Scourge spat. The KillClan warriors hissed but he didn't give a mouse-tail. He jumped down to join his cats. They had done well. Most of them had barely a scratch. Most of the blood on them was other cats. They surrounded Erin protectively. They strode triumphantly out of camp. KillClan cats followed them to the border. They were trying to hide in the bushes but Scourge detected their presence easily. Once they were over the border he ordered three cats to guard the border so they couldn't follow. He purposefully wet through the open swamps instead of the forest so the KillClan cats couldn't sneak after them even though this way was a lot less sheltered. Wind whipped him in the face as he started to run back to camp. His clan charged after him. Scourge  immediately leaped up the jagged rock. 

"We have battled KillClan and we have come victorious!" Scourge caterwauled. The BloodClan cats below yowled back with malicious glints in their eyes. Scourge saw Acorn staring at the BloodClan cats, fear lighting his gaze. He left his cats to gloat over their victory and padded over to Acorn coolly. Acorn backed up until his back pressed against the wall.  

"What's wrong? You scared?" Scourge mocked. 

"Yes! Why shouldn't I be?" he quavered back. 

"Your right", Scourge hissed ," You should be! I came to ask the name of your leader? The black tom?" 

"You mean Spirit?" Acorn tilted his head. Scourge noticed him trying to force his fur flat. 

"Yes", Scourge replied with narrowed eyes. He started to pace around Acorn menacingly. 

"W...What did you do to KillClan? Did you kill anyone?" Acorn asked, curling up defensively. 

"Yes", Scourge lied 

"Who?" Acorn gulped. Scourge spun round and snarled. 

"I am not entitled to tell you that! I am leader here!" Scourge spat. Acorn gasped in fear and pulled himself into an even tighter ball. 

"Coward. It's fine I took you. They won't miss you there. There's no room in a clan for cowards like you", Scourge hissed before leaving the den

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