Chapter 6

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  Mild Gore Warning

Scourge yawned and stretched. He had moved to ShadowClan camp with Snake whilst three of his other cats, Pinecone, Opal and Leech were left in charge of the other camps. Scourge liked this camp better than the stupid forest one. It was more in shadow, easier to ambush in. Scourge grinned just at the thought of sinking his great claws into some cats flesh. Suddenly Snake burst into camp. Scourge had sent him to old camp last night to check on the forest mouse-hearts. Scourge padded over to him. 

"Well?" he asked. Snake looked up with a gleam in his eyes. 

"Two...forest cats..escaped....Sprite led..a patrol after them...but he let...them escape!" Snake gasped between breaths. Scourge snarled. How dare he let more cats escape? He could not have this. He could not have incapable warriors. He would teach his cats a lesson. 

"Snake! You are in charge! I am going to...see Sprite", Scourge spat storming out of camp. 

"Yes Scourge", Snake obeyed. Scourge pelted out the pine woods and across the thunderpath. He had great experience with them so it wasn't s problem getting across. As he ran over the moor he saw a patrol of his cats hunting a rabbit down. He noticed how unusually plump that rabbit was and how slow it was. Scourge smiled disgustingly as realisation hit him. The rabbit was carrying kits or whatever young rabbits were called! This made it better for Scourge. He kept going though and he ran over to the Twoleg place until finally he reached camp. He noticed the shocked and scared faces of the forest cats who cowered in the shadows and how his real cats bowed respectfully to him. 

"I want to see Sprite!" Scourges snarl rang across the clearing. He saw the grey tom cower towards him. 

"Is it true that you let two forest cats escape?" he spat. 

"Y...yes Scourge I am so sorry we-" 

"I didn't ask for excuses I only asked for yes or no!" Scourge snarled. Sprite whimpered slightly. Scourge raked his gaze over all his cats, including the forest ones. 

"I am going to teach you what happens when you fail your leader!" Scourge yowled. Sprite stared at Scourge with terror in his eyes. Scourge snarled. Lunging, he pounced at his ears, shredding them painfully. Sprite yowled in horror and pain and tried to back away but Scourge was quicker. Scourge took two final blows, taking both his ears clean off. Sprite fell to the ground, his ears gushing with blood. It was a bloody scene but Scourge found it beautiful. He saw the wide and terrified eyes of the forest cats and the glares of the others. Scourge pushed a paw against Sprites shoulder as he tried to get up. 

"Let this be a lesson! I want you four over there to go search for these forest cats and I also want every cat who was on Sprites patrol including Sprite! If you don't find them don't bother returning at all!" he yowled. He saw the four cats advance and the cats who must have been on Sprites patrol come forward. Suddenly he recognised SnowBall. She was a good trainer. 

"SnowBall!" he yowled ,"You may stay behind!". SnowBall bowed her head, pleasure in her eyes as she padded back to her spot inside a tire. Sprite struggled to his paws and gave Scourge another terrified glare before padding over, head down towards the others. He winced at every paw step. Scourge watched them go then turned to his other cats. 

"You may continue whatever you were doing and if anyone is out hunting or anything when they come back tell them of this moment! I want every cat to know the consequences of failing me!" Scourge ordered before leaving the retched camp that used to be his pitiful home. Scourge felt the blood drying on his paws. He was desperate to kill something. He would go hunting! Real hunting, not scavenging out of Twoleg rubbish like he used to do! Scourge quickly picked up squirrel scent as he entered the forest. He followed it until he found the squirrel, hitting a nut against a rock. Scourge had hunted mice sometimes in Twoleg place so he knew how to stalk. He crouched low and crept slowly forward. The squirrel looked up and Scourge stopped abruptly. The squirrel looked left, then right and then got back to bashing its nut. Scourge leaped and felt the squirrels fur beneath his deadly claws. He didn't have any interest in eating this, he just wanted to kill it. He would leave it for the maggots. He didn't just kill it though he tortured it. He shredded up its bushy tail then to kill it, he pushed its back against the ground until its spine broke, and its insides bled! He threw the dead, and tortured creature onto a patch of dirt and scrapped some over it, not enough to preserve it, just enough to make its fur clog. Satisfied he trotted back to his camp. 

Scourge arrived at camp and lay down on the rock he had lay on before, but before he could doze off Venom came up to him. 

"Greetings Scourge. I am here to report that a rouge was found on our territory. He..he states he wants to join us!" he told him. Scourge narrowed his eyes. He would see. 

"Show me", he ordered and followed him over to a circle of cats. He pushed through to see a ginger tom standing in the middle of the ragged circle. The tom looked at Scourge. 

"Are you leader?" he asked. 

"Yes. Now who are you?" Scourge asked coolly. 

"I am Volcano. I came from a hut by the airport", he told him. e didn't seems scared at all.

"Airport?" Scourge tilted his head. 

"A housefolk field", he explained. Scourge nodded. 

"And you think you are capable of being a member of my clan?" Scourge asked a hint of a sneer in his tone. 

"Yes", he replied casually. Scourge hissed. 

"Ok. I will make you prove it!" Scourge told him. 

"RaggedLeaf!" Scourge called. RaggedLeaf was the weakest warrior in BloodClan probably. He was elderly and frail. He padded forward in front of Scourge. Scourge grinned. 

"Ok Volcano. If you kill this cat you may join us", Scourge grinned maliciously. 

"What?!" RaggedLeaf gasped. He tried to run but before he could Volcano pounced on top of him, digging his claws into his back. He yowled as he fell to the ground. 

"No! Please! Don't kill m-" RaggedLeaf was cut off as Volcano sliced his claws into his throat, killing him. His limp body fell to the ground. Scourge nodded approvingly. 

"Dispose of this body and then consider yourself BloodClan!" Scourge told him. Volcano beamed and then grabbed RaggedLeaf's body and dragged it out of camp. Terror was still frozen on his dead face. Scourge yawned and padded over to his rock. Finally he could sleep. He closed his eyes and let happy, murderous dreams lull him through his nap. 

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