Chapter 9

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Greystripe was dreaming. It had been four sunrises since the day they had founded DawnClan and found Pikeclaw and Goldenflower. Now Greystripe stood in a vast sunny field full of poppies and tulips. Greystripe could tell from the lightness of his paws and the shine his fur had that this was a dream. Also this was definitely not the place he had fallen asleep. Greystripe walked through the field until he came to a river. It was large but the current looked smooth and unthreatening. He was about to go down to the shore when he heard something from behind him. Spinning around he saw a tail swish by. A cats tail. Suddenly they revealed themselves. It was Firestar! 

"F...Firestar? Is it really you?" Greystripe stammered. He was dreaming! He was in StarClan. But how? 

"Yes its me! Who else would it be?" Firestar teased. 

"Has something bad happened?" Greystripe asked nervously ," I mean, apart from the fact BloodClan has destroyed all the clans...". 

"No. I am actually here for a good reason. A very good reason," Firestar grinned. Greystripe tilted his head. 

"I am here to give you your nine lives!" Firestar announced and the wind dropped. As he announced it the whole field disappeared and was replaced with night sky and stars. He was walking in an endless night sky! More cats appeared as well. Silverstream! Lionheart! Whitestorm! Bluestar! Even Yellowfang was there! Firestar came forward first. Greystripe realized he was trembling. 

"Greystripe. With this life I give you strength. Use it well in protecting your new clan and defending them", Firestar said the words then went and touched his nose to Greystripes head. Greystripe yowled as a paroxysm of pain shot through him. Greystripe gasped in long breaths until the pain eased.  The next cat to come forward was Silverstream. She looked so beautiful with the stars in her shining silver fur. 

"My Greystripe, with this life I give you compassion. Use it well in empathy for your clan and for working with your clan like a true leader would", Silverstream meowed and touched his head. Greystripe expected to feel extreme pain but instead it felt a great feeling through him. A rush of warmth and happiness. All other cats gave him lives too, some giving pain and some the same feeling of warmth. Lionheart gave patience, Whitestorm gave justice, Bluestar gave wisdom, Yellowfang gave instincts, Redtail gave him hope Willowpelt gave faith and finally Pathpelt gave him courage. After all lives were given Firestar stood forward once again. Greystripe looked up at his friend, so wise looking. Greystripe was in awe at all that had happened. So this was a leaders ceremony. All the celebrating cats stopped.  Firestar grinned then took in a long breath. 

"I, Firestar now hail you by your new name Greystar! Your old life is no more! You have now received the nine lives of a leader and StarClan grants you the guardianship of DawnClan! Defend it well, care for the young and old that are yet to come, and still honour the warrior code; live each life with pride and dignity!" Firestar said the words. Greystar felt something run through him. He was overwhelmed with joy. He was a leader! A  leader! All the cats cheered shouting his new name. Suddenly the field reappeared. Greystar had a chance to meet old friends! He could talk to his parents! To his old friend and mate. At one point Greystar was a bit tired so went to lie down.  Silverstream had come up to him. 

"Hello!" she greeted. 

"Hi Silverstream!" he smiled and went over to nuzzle her. Silverstream lifted her head away, avoiding the sign of affection. Greystar tilted his head, confused and almost hurt. Silverstream smiled gently. 

"Greystar, I know you still love me. You always will, but I'm here to tell you.... remember that one day you'll have to move on", she told him. 

"What? I'm not ready for that yet!" Greystar told her. 

"Not yet.. but you will", she whispered. Firestar then came up. 

"Enjoying the ceremony?" he asked. 

"Yeah. I really didn't expect all this! This is just... incredible.." he exclaimed. He looked back at Silverstream to see she had disappeared. He noticed all the other cats were starting to fade as well. 

"Goodbye my friend. The ceremony is up. Dawn is coming. Farewell and good luck!" Firestar touched his nose to Greystars head and he snapped awake. He felt.. .stronger. More... wise. He crept out the hollow and stood on a mossy boulder. 

"Cats of DawnClan! Please gather here!" Greystar knew the normal 'all cats old enough to catch their own prey' thing wouldn't be necessary as all the cats in his small clan were old enough to catch prey. He saw his cats gather. Frostfur, Goldenflower, Pikeclaw. It wasn't much but that didn't matter. 

"I have some very good news", he announced ," Tonight Firestar came to me. He granted me nine lives and... you may all now formally know me as Greystar! DawnClan has now truly got their first leader!" All the cats yowled in joy. 

"Is that really true?" Frostfur gasped. Greystar nodded. Frostfur grinned and started chanting his name. Soon the others joined in. 

"Nine lives? What?" Pikeclaw tilted his head. Of course! Pikeclaw didn't know about it.  Goldenflower explained it to him. 

"Well when a leader get his-" was all Greystar listened to. He jumped down from the rock and padded over to Frostfur. 

"I'm so happy for you!" she exclaimed licking his ear ," You are now a true leader! You have just made DawnClan real! You are the future of all the clans!"  

Greystar felt so happy. No smile could express how much joy he felt. He felt he could run forever, like he could defeat BloodClan, he felt he could do anything! But he couldn't. But one day....... 

It was sunset. Frostfur and Pikeclaw had been hunting and caught three mice, a vole and a sparrow. Greystar ate his freshkill. This had been the best day of his life! After his meal he realised how tired he was. The whole ceremony in his sleep must not of rested him very well. Greystar curled up in his soft moss bed and drifted to sleep. He did not dream of StarClan, but of an endless field of pure joy...

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