Chapter 16

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Scourge looked around camp. He was still troubled about the whole KillClan thing. He shouldn't of let them escape. Why did he? Scourge growled and padded over to a group of his cats gathered in a dark corner. 

"You five! Your coming with me!" Scourge ordered. The three cats stopped chatting and followed Scourge obediently. Scourge went up to Venom. 

"Your in charge of camp while I'm gone. I'm going to find KillClan", Scourge told him. Venom nodded and padded away. Scourge gathered a few more cats until he had a patrol of fifteen cats with him, including him. He led the way as the marched out of camp and across the marshes. Moss squelched beneath his paws and frogs ribbits could be heard all across the swampy field. Dragonflies buzzed past every now and then too. By the time they had reached the oak at the edge of the marsh Scourge's paws were brown with mud. He shook them and continued on through the oak wood forest. After a short while of walking he picked up rouge scent and followed the trail until it joined to many other rouge scents. Scourge started to hear murmurs and got into a crouch. He crept through the bracken until a thick wall of hawthorn and hazel towered before him. He could here cats talking on the other side. He had an idea suddenly. A plan. He was going to kitnap a KillClan cat and take them back to camp. He would make them speak and he could find out all of KillClan's plans and secrets! He crept round the camp walls until an entrance opened up. A long furred muscular grey tom and a powerful looking white she-cat guarded it. Scourge growled quietly to himself. This might turn into a waiting game. Scourge waited until suddenly a small ginger tom with strange markings was about to exit. 

"Where are you off to Acorn?" the white she-cat asked. 

"I'm going hunting", he answered and padded off lightly into the forest. Perfect! A cat going deep into the forest alone, Scourge couldn't get any luckier! He slowly sneaked away from the entrance until he was hidden behind a briar. 

"Come on, and be quiet. We are going to catch that Acorn cat and take them back to camp. He can give us information. When I give the signal come out the bushes and form a circle", Scourge whispered. His fourteen cats nodded and sneaked along at his heels. Scourge finally spotted the ginger tom crouching down. A mouse scuffled in the leaves a fox-length away. This was his chance. As the tom pounced Scourge leaped out the bushes and knocked Acorn out of the air. Yowling the tom looked up. Scourge pressed a paw over his mouth so he couldn't shout for help and gave the signal. His cats leaped out the bushes, hissing and spitting and formed a ragged circle around them. Scourge knew there was only one way to get this cat back to camp without it getting them caught. Scourge looked at one of his cats, RoseThorn. 

"Pass me that rock", Scourge ordered. RoseThorn rolled it over. Scourge picked it up and leaned over the tom. He dropped the rock and it hit Acorn head and he fell unconscious. Smiling Scourge lifted his paw off the cats muzzle. That would sure shut him up for the journey back. 

"You four, pick him up. We need to carry him back", Scourge ordered. They lifted Acorn onto their backs and they began to trudge home. Suddenly Scourge saw a small white speck on his nose. White specks were falling everywhere. It was snowing! Cold Season was here! Scourge grumbled and picked up the pace. The mud in the marshes was going hard and crumbly. No dragonflies flew past and less frogs could be heard. Scourge quickly headed back to camp and rushed through. Venom nodded him a welcome and stood back. The cats in camp all looked around, glaring at Acorns unconscious body. Scourge turned to look at the four cats who carried him and dismissed the rest. 

"Put him in the little bramble den over there and I want all four of you to guard him", Scourge ordered. As they carried him over Scourge leaped onto the jutting rock. 

"I went to KillClan camp today and I have caught one of their members! They are imprisoned in that den over there and we are going to use him to get information about his clan so we can get rid of them easier!" Scourge announced ," For the moment he is unconscious and even when he's awake I want no cat to go near him without my permission, is that clear?" Scourge called. The cats nodded. Scourge sighed and jumped down from the rock. He padded over to Brick. She was starting to look a little plumper. 

"You doing ok?" Scourge asked awkwardly. 

"I'm fine. I'm worried to hunt though.. Your not as agile anymore when you carry kits", Brick explained. 

"You don't have to hunt then. You can just take from the prey pile if you want", Scourge told her. 

"Thanks Scourge", Brick smiled and trotted over to pick a plump pigeon from the pile. Scourge shook his head and went over to the flat rock he would rest on but before he could RoseThorn rushed over. 

"Scourge! Acorn has gained consciousness!" she told him. Scourge rushed over. The ginger tom was looking around trying to focus. His eyes suddenly widened and he rushed to the back of the den. 

"Where am I?" he yelped ," Oww! Why does my head hurt so much..." 

Scourge padded over and stood in front of him. 

"Welcome to BloodClan camp", Scourge growled. Acorn gave a baffled look. 

"Wait... BloodClan? No! Are.. are you Scourge?" Acorn asked nervously. 

"Yes", Scourge answered his curiosity sparking ," How did you know?" 

"Our leader tells us of Blo- Wait.. Why should I tell you?" Acorn got defensive all of a sudden. Scourge's curious gaze suddenly sharpened and he looked more menacing. He lifted a paw near Acorn's face and unsheathed his claws. 

"Because if you don't, I'll kill you", Scourge growled. Acorn's defensive glare softened into a frightened one. 

"Ok ok! Our leader tells us about BloodClan. He wants to teach us of their weak spots for when.." Acorn trailed of. Scourge bared his teeth. 

"When what?" he urged. 

"When... When we attack BloodClan", he finished. 

"And when will this attack be?" Scourge wanted more information. 

"....There's no planned time", Acorn explained. Scourge snarled. 

"Fine then. Who is your leader? Do you have a deputy?" Scourge asked. 

"Our leader is called DeathClaws and our deputy is called Dagger", he told him. 

"DeathClaws? You say this DeathClaws knows about my clan yet we have never had a cat in our clan called that", Scourge narrowed his eyes. 

"Well... He used to be called Sprite but-" 

"Sprite?! Sprite is the cat leading your clan! This is going to be easier than I thought", Scourge exclaimed. 

"DeathClaw's is a powerful cat! He has strengthened since his days in BloodClan! His claws are even scarier than yours! He uses owl talons!" Acorn defended his leader. 

"Owl talons? Not a bad idea that, I will enjoy taking them off Sprites dead body", Scoure growled. Acorn gulped. 

"I will talk more tomorrow. These four cats will be on constant guard so don't even think of escaping", Scourge warned. Acorn nodded. Scourge went over to the prey stock and picked a scraggly mouse from the bottom. It was damp from the snow. He threw it in for Acorn. He needed to keep him alive at least. Scourge sighed and crept into his nest. Brick was already in it, asleep. Scourge was quiet as he slunk in beside her. Closing his eyes, he fell into a dreamless sleep. 

ANNOUNCEMENT: I am going on holiday on the 16th of October so there might not be a next chapter for about a week. Sorry. I'm back on the 22nd and I will try to get a chapter out ASAP. Thanks for reading guys! 


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