Chapter Nine

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The night ended without any consummation of the marriage as perhaps the family would have hoped for

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The night ended without any consummation of the marriage as perhaps the family would have hoped for. However, it led to the couple enjoying a peaceful night of sleep without having to worry about fulfilling any expectations. Roderick was right, they were the ones that had been married, it was solely up to them when anything happened as they would make the decision as husband and wife. For Roderick, he had been so nervous about any idea of touching Elizabeth in an intimate manner besides kissing her, simply because he was inexperienced and believed that he would be inadequate in all respects.

As far as the two of them were aware, they were both virgins as their parents had pressed the idea into their minds that they had to wait until they were married. It was no challenge for either one of them to wait, it was simply something that had not really crossed their minds until their families began placing the idea in their minds that children would one day be expected of them. But for the time being, Roderick was able to calm Elizabeth down for the night and the two had fallen asleep with Elizabeth nestled in his arms.

She was the first to fall asleep, her head rest between his chest and shoulder, one arm draped loosely around his waist, and her hair effortlessly spilling over the side of the bed. Without trying, even in her sleep, to Roderick, Elizabeth remained beautiful. He watched her out of the corner of his eyes as she drifted off to sleep, feeling the rise and fall of her chest become slow. The tips of his fingers lightly grazed up and down her arm until he started to fall asleep as well.

Although he thought the night would be plagued by nightmares by the idea of uninviting his brothers to the wedding or his past punishments with the Dark Lord, the wedding had overtaken his mind for the better. Instead of nightmares, Roderick was greeted with dreams. Dreams of dancing with Elizabeth after they were married, the dreams of her wearing her dress, and just simple dreams of being in her company for the entire evening without being interrupted without any Death Eater duties calling him away.

The taste of freedom within his dream realm left him hungry for it in real life. No longer did he wanted to serve under the Dark Lord, he no longer wanted to be like his brothers. He wanted to be a good husband to Elizabeth and the only way be could be anywhere near what she deserved was by freeing himself of the chains that tainted his arm. But he didn't know how and the more he thought about it, he wasn't sure if there was a way out where he would make it out alive.

Waking up the next morning, there were still many thoughts that were racing through his mind, but he decided to put them away for the time being. He went to focus his attention on Elizabeth, only to find that she was no longer resting within his arms. During the night or perhaps the early morning hours, she had shifted and turned onto her other side to sleep. Her head was currently resting on her pillow, her body curled up as tightly as possible as her blanket seemed to have slipped to the floor during the night.

Seeing the goosebumps that laced her skin, Roderick grabbed half of his own blanket and quickly placed it over her to share. Instantly, her body's reaction seemed to crave the warmth as she began turning to be closer to him. Soon enough, her body was pressed against him, her skin only separated from his by the thin slippery material of her night dress.

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