Chapter Ten

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Needless to say, the honeymoon was over as Roderick left the manor after engaging in quite the argument with Elizabeth

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Needless to say, the honeymoon was over as Roderick left the manor after engaging in quite the argument with Elizabeth. Of course, as he left, he held no ill-feelings or resentment towards her, if anything, throughout the entire time they had been going back and forth, he had wanted to agree with her. There she was, holding both of his hands in hers, pleading and begging him to stay and avoid the meeting with the Dark Lord, telling him that it wasn't safe. It certainly wasn't safe, but it was going to be even more dangerous if he followed her advice and decided to skip out on it all. He couldn't bring himself to do it, not only because they would take it out on him, but the fear that they would take it out on Elizabeth as well.

As the wife of a Death Eater, she had to accept that she would come second to the Dark Lord and the duties he asked of his followers, with no exceptions. Roderick never wanted to put her behind anything, but to ensure her safety, he had to do what he felt was right at the moment, even if it caused his wife to be angry with him. Anger was manageable in some respects, but if she were to ever get hurt due to his choices, he would never be able to forgive himself. Yet, Elizabeth didn't understand that, how could she? She was not immersed in the world of the Dark Arts, she only remained on the outskirts.

Sure enough, Elizabeth was absolutely furious before he even left the manor and he hoped that his time away would allow her to calm down. Arriving at the headquarters, Roderick could feel an intense headache creeping up on him but the pain was pushed aside as soon as he walked in and sensed the awkward tension in the air. The other Death Eaters, including his own brothers, watched his every movement as if he was some sort of disease-infested monster. Ignoring their looks, Roderick waited for the meeting to begin thinking about how he was going to make it up to Elizabeth when he was suddenly approached by Bellatrix.

"How's the wife?" Bellatrix questioned with a grin that left Roderick to look away from her. In the years of her schooling, Bellatrix would have been considered attractive. She often kept her curly dark hair tamed, her face clear, and a polished look under her parents' watch. But currently, she was beginning to take a turn for the worse. Her hair was frizzy beyond anything, looking matted in some areas, she looked thinner, her cheekbones sticking out far more than usual, and the crazed look in her eyes, seemed to be travelling well across her face.

In the recent days, the only pain seemed to bring about joy to the woman, so he never really witnessed her smile outside of the meetings. It seemed to be a shame as her sisters, Andromeda and Narcissa retained their beauty, but their sister had been lost to the Dark Arts.

"She's fine," he answered bluntly, not willing to go into detail about anything, even if she was his sister-in-law, it certainly was not a bonding moment between the two.

"I'm surprised to see you here," she said, her smile only growing wider, " I figured Rabastan wouldn't be able to get you out of the bedroom. That's been the talk around here, you've got some targets on your back since placing a ring on Ms Pretty Thing's finger."

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