Monday came. The day when Adam went off with his plane.
It was a rainy day. The sky was all grey.
Ash and Jacky were waiting for their father to come back...
But that didn't happen.
Ashley's povI woke up on a grey, awful day. I looked out of the window. I felt like I could cry I don't know why... But I did.
Suddenly I remembered... Daddy was working.
When I came to the living room, everyone was already up. They've been waiting for me so we can all have breakfast together.
We ate pancakes. Pancakes with chocolate and some strawberries.
I couldn't eat much. I was thinking about daddy and the weather. I was worried.
I was sad and bored the whole day.
I only read and drew. I watched the rain.
The park didn't look so colourful in rain.
Granny and me were watching television. A heavy storm started, so we had to turn off the TV.
I was worried about daddy. I know I'm talking too much about him but I don't wanna lose him too.
I was bored so I decided to take some drawing lessons from aunt Maria.
I've learned how to draw people and landscapes. Of course I wasn't so good at it cause I'm still a kid but I thought 'It could be useful'.
I was playing with Jacky as granny got into the living room. She looked so sad and broken. I looked at her with her sad eyes. Granny started crying.
We all came around her and asked what's wrong. She answered with a sad voice: "Adam." My heart already fell apart. "Adam is... Dead."
Aunt Maria gasped and fainted. I ran to my room without saying anything.
I jumped on my bed and cried. My pillow was full of tears.
This was it. The day I lost everything. I lost everything that was important to me. I couldn't bring it back. I would but I'm not in a fairy tale.
Granny entered my room crying. She sat on my bed and hugged me. "He always loved you. He always will. Even in heaven, Ashley. Don't cry. He wouldn't want to see you like this, would he?" "No." I said wiping my tears.
I would just like to send a message to my daddy who is living a better life in heaven now:
Daddy, there are so many people who love you.
Your mom, wife, son, sister...
And I accept that.
I'm not jealous.
I just wanna be short,
So the thing I wanted to say is:
Daddy, I love you.
It may be too late now,
But you always knew how important you were for me.
I hope now that you're gone you'll finally see mommy again.
Greet her from me.
Tell her I miss her.
Tell her that almost every thing reminds me of her.
Tell her that I love her.
And daddy, don't forget me.
And don't forget my words:
I love you, I always have and always will.
Jackson loves you too,
But he's too young to tell you that.
I hope I didn't write this to no one.
I hope you read it.
I hope you love me too,
Just like I love you.
The whole day I didn't want to eat anything or talk to anyone. My face was red all the time. My eyes were always wet and my heart empty. I didn't even go out. I just sat on my bed looking out the window. Imagining that daddy was still alive and well. We were playing outside with mommy and Jackson. All together. Like normal people. Like family.
Thanks to aunt Maria I could draw a portrait of my daddy. I kept it safe in a box of memories. I also drew a portrait of mommy. I cried while drawing.
Dinner was nothing without daddy. My plate was full of untouched food. I was hungry but I couldn't eat.
I remembered how me and daddy used to make dinner together. We always did that. It was fun cause he really understood what fun is.
Even Jackson was sad, even thought he had no idea what's happening.
'Poor Jackson... He never saw his mommy. He won't remember his daddy very well... At least he has me and granny...'
It was eleven o'clock. I wasn't sleepy at all but granny said I have to go to bed.
I was in the bathroom, brushing my teeth. As I spit out the toothpaste, I looked into the mirror. I wondered 'Why do people always call me pretty? Is there anyone ugly? Everyone is beautiful on a special way.'
I took a quick shower just to go fresh to bed. Isn't it weird that I can shower alone and I'm only four?! ...Yes, yes it is.
When I got out of the bathroom, I went to granny's room to say good night. I heard her talking to aunt Maria. "I wish I never told hi! To be a pilot. He wanted to be a writer... But no... He had to be a pilot just like his dad."
I turned around and took a deep breath. I entered my room. It was sad too. Either everything that day was sad or I was so super sad that I didn't see anything from the bright side.
I jumped on my bed and cried again.
I said sorry to my pillow and then I was trying to calm down.
'It's OK. Wait... What is OK? Is it OK that I lost my parents? No. It's not. Nothing is OK!' "Nothing!" I screamed and cried loudly. The pillow smelled like daddy. That made it even worse.
Granny heard me and came into my room.
She sat besides me and caressed my hair. "Calm down, Ash..." I realised that granny had nothing to say... She felt down too.
She gave me a good night kiss and I was trying to sleep.
Hundreds of thoughts tuned through my mind. I couldn't sleep. 'How did daddy die?' Was the question on which I never knew the answer.
The night was bright and the moon was full. I heard Jackson crying and after I while I slept in. Without knowing it.Life is not a game. But you have to play it well.
Life is hard. But you have to stay positive.
When life gives you lemons you should not throw them back and ask for chocolate, you should make lemonade.
When people say you can't, prove them wrong.
When your dreams are stronger than you, make them real.
And when life gives you a hundred reasons to cry,
Show life that you have a hundred reasons to smile....Ashley's birthday is coming. But what would it look like without her daddy?...
Dreams Come True
Macera"A dream is only a dream, until you decide to make it real." ~Harry Styles This is my first and probably last story. It's about a girls dream. I'm gonna try my best and I really hope you enjoy it. ~potato