The request

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Lucy POV.
A few days has past since I made natsu get out of my bed.
I arrived at at the guild, as I opened the door I saw a group huddled around the request board. I walked up to gray and asked "What's going on?"
"Oh, hey Lucy. Well I heard that there was a mission that was worth 100,000,000 J's"
What! Wow that could pay my rent for like half a year or more after we split it up.
"Wow, well what is the job?"
"It's at (insert town name/readers choice) and they need our help to find out what is going on in the village."
I looked back at the crowd and saw people fighting over it. Turning to gray I asked "Think you can get that for me?"
"Ha! Think, I know I can!😎. Ice make: Canon"
People jumped out of the way and the attack hit freed that was holding the paper. Gray walked over to the paper and picked it up.
"There." ~smirk~
"Thanks. Hey, Mira, can we get this stamped?"
"There you go. Good luck!"
As we got the team together I looked down at the request to study it.
Huh, for some reason this just doesn't feel right, but I kept that to my self.
"Nooooo! Don't make me get on that deathtrap."screamed natsu -brakes squealing to a stop -
Erza took a hold of natsu and slung him onto the train.

Natsu POV.

"Uhhhh," 😷😵😵😵. Why do I have to have motion sickness. Blahh.
"Hey put that outside the window not at me!" screamed Lucy.
"Hey, Wendy can you do that trick that heals my motion sickness?"
"Did you do it?"
"Yes I did. Do you feel better?"
"Not,gag, at all."
"What! But I did it. Maybe his body has built up an immune to it."

Lucy POV.

A couple of hour have past and I grew sleepy. Man this place is a long way off. I could feel my eye lids slowly close. I slide off of my seat and lean against something warm. Gasp in mind.. it must be GRAY! ////- -//// He is actually quite comfortable. I think I'll stay like this for a while.

Gray POV.

I felt something hit my shoulder and I look over to see Lucy lying her head on my shoulder. I was going to say something but seeing her sleeping face, I just couldn't. After a while I fell asleep too.

Both Gray and Lucy wake up at the same time as the train comes to a stop.

Lucy and Gray POV.

///99/// ///66///

Lucy POV.

Gray looked down at me as I looked up at him. His face became really red and I could feel that mine was the same.

Gray POV.

I looked down at her as she looked up at me with her big brown eyes( sappy I know) I felt a rush of heat come to my face, as did she.

Lucy, Gray POV.


POV. End
They both looked the other way and got up to get their luggage. They made it to the hotel.

Back to Lucy POV.

"Wow this apartment is nice!"
"Yes, it is." Said Erza with fascination.
Gray and natsu ran over to the beds and Natsu took the left and Gray took right.
"Hey we have too have a bed to! Now off!''
Gray and Natsu glared at each other.
"Natsu and Gray will have to share, and either Lucy and I or Wendy and I will share the other. Who ever does not bunk with me will sleep on the couch."
"Hey Wendy, you can sleep with Erza and I will take the couch."
"Really.😊 Thank you" she hugs me and then we all get ready for bed.
Then I feel the rumbling again! ~rumble~

Gasping I sit up and look around. Gray, that was not asleep with rest of them, asks me quietly, " are you okay , lucy? What's wrong?"
"Uh, nothing." I give him a forced smile.
But he sees right through it.
" Are you sure?"
"Wellll, can I speak to you, alone?"
"Uh, yeah sure."
We both get up and head to the roof.

I hope y'all like it so far. I will continue this story after a little more readers and some votes.
Thanks for reading.😊✌
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