chapter 2

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Alison's pov:

What is she doing? Why is she standing never aquarium and talking to herself and that too so loudly?

I walk glance at her for some more time now i am definitely sure something's wrong she never acts so stupid although she is a person that annoys me and i love annoying her but i have to admit she has a brain.

I look at my friends as they are busy with there girls and i have just banged ,lets try something new.

I walk cutting the crowd towards her.

"What are you doin?"

She glares at me and smiles. Woh did Alexandra Rosavelt just smile at me.

"I am telling nemo that his father is finding him in the oceans"

"You're drunk aren't you"

"Nope i pinky promise i drank only...umm" she glares at her figures"three threee three glass of water from that tank"

I see in the direction she is pointing. Ohh fuck she drank alcohol.

"You're drunk"

She turns towards me and swings a bit "i am not drunk OK"

"Yeah it seems so"

"Youu look good but you're..." Before she could complete she collapsed on the floor.

Alexandra's POV

What is up with my head why is it paining so much. I grab the pillow. I scratch my eyes as i open them in my room. No fuck wait this is not my fucking room. Where am i? Has someone kidnapped me?or my family in is danger?

I look down to my clothes they are same as yesterday. Slowly take a step down towards the door, as i move towards it i try to remember all my karate moves.

I slowly open the door, there is a big hall with brick colored walls with pictures of marvel heros.

"You're up" a voice comes from behind. I quickly take a turn around.
Alison what is he doing here what is going on?

"Don't look so surprised i brought you here after you collapsed in the party"

"Its a trap to kill me isn't it"

"What? Really" he moves towards the Kitchen

"Tell me is it a trap i shall tell i know marshal arts very well"

He laughs and moves towards me smiles broadly "take my advice Alex you should come out of your gangster stuff and live your life"

"You're no one to tell me what to do"

He steps towards me as i simply tab my pocket finding it empty shitttt ohh fuckkkk he is gonna kill me.

He smirks at my horrified face and says" finding this" he raises my gun in the air.
"Give it to me" i point my hand.

"Nope" he raises it even more "get it"

I jump to his height but he is too tall for me.

"You know what forget it" i glance at the door and start walking towards it.

"Where do you think you're going?" He shouts.

"To my house sherlock" i turn. To my surprise he was really close to me.
I meet his dark chocolate brown eyes. They are so deep all i could see in them were questions.

"You know where are you?" He whispers.

"Where?" I gulp.

"50 kilometers away from the city in my farm house"

"What? Why did you bring me here even if i does not have my gun does not not mean..."

"If i would have rommed around the city with you,you know what would have happened"

I look at him,then walk towards the window it was a really beautiful view. Forest all around roads cutting them in between.

"You know right its 4 pm"

"What? You mean i slept for" i trun towards him. "Well whatever i need to go home so i am leaving although you're my worst enemy i am really thankful"

I walk towards the door, i pull the knob, suddenly a hand comes from my back and pushes it. I turn around to Alison. He smirks. "Alex you know right we're in between a forest no taxi no vehicle while you can reach by walking in two days maybe"

I catch his eyes again he places his other hand one the door pushing me towards it.

"I also wanna get home you also wanna get home lets go by my car" he added

"What if you kill me?" I whisper.

He puts his hand in his pocket and throws my small gun towards me "here" he says as i catch it.

"Fine if there's no way than Satan"


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