chapter 5

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Alex's POV:

I wave as Alison passes by. I walk down the bus stand and start walking towards my house. I could call the driver to pick me up or hire a taxi but i don't want to, i start walking as Alison's words swing through my mind. Do i really need to change myself, do i need to live my life.

Alison is my enemy, actually to be honest he was my enemy this 5 hours taught me so much about him. This does not mean we're friends but i do not want to kill him now.

I reach my house in 10 mins or so. The guards open the door for me.

My mother runs towards me.

"Dear dear where were you sweety you never went to you're friends."

"Yeah mom just a sudden plan"

"I am so happy you have friends now" she runs her hand in my hair. Her bright blue eyes looked so fascinating at that moment. "Come have something to eat"

"Mom i am not hungry"i am so full right now.

" hmm but if you feel so come down okay" she pated my cheek.

I smile and started climbing the stairs. I entered my room and to my surprise my big bro was already sitting on my bed.

"Hii little sis" he waved.

"James no offence but what are you doing in my room"

He just smiled and tapped the chair beside the bed. I sat on the chair.
He sat up straight took my hand into his and smiled again. What is up with him he never looked to serious to me.

"Sis do you know how much i love you" he draws circles on my hand.

"Aha" i raise my eyebrow.

"I do not want you to date Alison white" what the fuck is he saying?
"Please don't lie now i saw you in his car laughing and giggling around"

"James i am not dating him,he is not even my friend" i sighed and tightened the grip of his hand.

"So why were you in his car?"

"Believe me bro i am not doing something wrong. Yes i was in his car but that was my need and there's is a long story"

"Hmm,i trust you whenever you're ready please tell me the long story" he got smiled at me and walked towards the door. "Alex i won't tell dad its our secret" he winked.

I am so fucking tired. My love,my bed i am here. And i collapse in my bed.


Oh god alarm why are you so jealous of me and my bed sleeping together.
I get up, and look at the clock 7. Good i have time. I go straight to my bathroom. I don't know what to wear this is the time i really hate being a girl. I just pick up a black sweat pant and cream shirt with stud written on it. I make a messy bun out of my hair.

I go down to our lawn where father was having his lunch. It was already 8:30. I run to the table.

"Alex" my father calls as i run with two toast in my mouth.

"Hmm" i at last blur out.

"We have a mission to new York would like to come" my father knew that i will defiantly say yes.

"No actually i don't wanna miss school" i say as i run before my father asks anymore question.

I park my car and run towards class. I get seated beside Carly.

"Who was that guy Carly?" I ask.

"Who?" Wow Carly so innocent.

"The guy you were kissing at the party"

"Oh that was Ryan my boyfriend" she red totally red.

"Oh my when are making him meet me" i clapped.

"You see that guy in blue that he is" she pointed at the other end of the class.

I bent a bit. Yup Ryan's handsomely dashing he has blue eyes, brown hair and blue suits him. Before i could turn back at Carly Alison bent back a little and did a wave i sighed and ignored him.

"Good choice" i said proudly to Carly.

"You too" she pouted.

"What do you mean by you too"

"Alison white is a handsome boy not more than Ryan though"

"Well maybe what's it to do with me"

"The whole school is talking about you and Alison, at the party he picked you up and dropped you home,and didn't even show up the next day because you weren't there" she took a deep breath. "And also" she searched her phone "this" i looked into her phone, i could not believe my eyes there was photo in which i was in Alison's arms and the tittle to the pick was. 'I want some one to pick me like that'-with Alison white and 65 others.

"What f is this shit" i snatched the phone and clicked the comments.

Alison white-"sorry only reserved for Alex"

"What the f is going on" i said as the teacher entered the class.

The whole periods,i was only concentrated in that Facebook case.
The whole class was stealing glances over me.

In the lunch i sat with anna and carly and explained them every thing. And you know what was there reaction. Awww. Wow.

"So Alex tell me honestly what do you feel about Alison?" Anna grabbed my shoulder.

"Noo ewww neverrrr" i banged my hands on the table.

"Why he so cute" Anna pouted.

"No means no my dear" i slapped her on the arm.

"I want some ketchup so i will be back" Lisa got up.

Carly was staring at me and then said "you like him"






"At last you confessed" she pinched my cheek. I through her hands back.

"You played with me" i pouted.

"Ohh shit what did you do?" A boy shouted from behind.

All the heads moved towards him.
Lisa was standing in front of him as he looked at his white shirt which was now designed with ketchup.

"I am so sorry" i heard Lisa as i get up and move towards her followed by Carly.

"You know how expensive this shirt is" the boy shouted.

That's enough. "I think she said sorry and if you need money we will give" i pushed Lisa behind me.

"Excuse me miss you stay away from this" he pointed at a direction. You know what i wanna do i wanna kill him and bang his head down the ground.

_____________________________________SThanks for reading till here hope your enjoying your journey.

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