Poison and Wine

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Blaine didn't think he would feel as awful as he did. Somehow, not talking to Kurt following the issue with Karofsky was worse than not talking to him before. He hated it. He hated sitting next to him in English and watching him out of the corner of his eye, waiting to see if he would look in his direction. He never did. Not unless you counted the scowls he sent him every now and then.

The Karofsky issue was also confusing. Karofsky was easily the most homophobic person Blaine knew, maybe even worse than Blaine's dad. Blaine's mind was working overtime, trying to work everything out. Then he started to think of crazy things. He thought about the fact that he himself had kissed Kurt (and there was the other stuff, but he didn't like to think about that) and the fact that Karofsky had kissed Kurt, and he wondered if the problem was Kurt. Neither he nor Karofsky had ever displayed any signs of being gay before Kurt's arrival.

Then he realised it was a ridiculous theory. It wasn't Kurt's fault. Obviously, Karofsky was hiding something. But did that mean Blaine was hiding something, too?

He pushed that thought aside, because thinking about Kurt and their situation made his head hurt. He needed to figure out a way to get Kurt to talk to him again, but he had no idea how. He still wasn't sure why he wanted to talk to him so badly. He told himself that it was because he needed him for the assignments and that if he didn't get an A, his dad would be livid. However, he knew, deep down, that that wasn't the reason. He liked Kurt, he'd accepted that, to an extent and that was why he wanted to talk to him.

Blaine watched Kurt across the lunch room as he laughed with those losers from glee club. Berry was scowling and telling them to quieten down. No one listened, of course. No one ever listened to Berry. Sam Evans had his face twisted and was talking out of the corner of his mouth. The guy was always doing those stupid impressions, even in the locker room after football. Santana Lopez stared blankly at him as Brittany S. Pierce laughed. Blaine didn't remember the rest of their names.

Kurt was laughing at something Mercedes Jones was telling him. Mercedes was in Blaine's math class, that was the only reason he knew her name. Blaine scowled and tore his eyes away from Kurt and instead, looked down at his lunch. He couldn't eat another bite, just looking at it was making him feel sick. He stood up.

"Where are you going?" Puckerman asked, beside him.

"Bathroom," he shrugged and lifted his tray.

He left it on a trolley and walked out the door and into the empty halls. He turned the corner and Coach Sylvester was standing by the choir room, holding a glue gun.

"You're not supposed to be roaming the halls, Anderson!" she shouted at him.

"Bathroom," he provided.

"Oh," she said. "Well, you didn't see me here and if you say otherwise I'll deny it and have you tried for treason."

Blaine twisted his face in confusion and looked at what she was doing.

"Are you.. you're gluing the choir room door?" he asked.

"Are you going to stand there stating the obvious, dwarf?" she asked, as she continued to squirt the glue into the crack of the door. "Move it along! I have a glee club to destroy and you have a bladder that's going to explode if you don't get yourself to a toilet!"

Blaine gaped at her for another moment, then shrugged and continued on down the hall. He stopped still when he reached the end of the corridor. Kurt was in glee club. Blaine rushed around the corner to the bulletin board and squinted his eyes until he saw it.




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