Sadness And Happiness

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7.05 P.M.

How'd it go?

8.32 P.M.

Should I take your silence as 'really bad'?

8.57 P.M.

You know you can tell me, right?

9.43 P.M.

Blaine, answer me right now, you're freaking me out.

10.14 P.M.

Blaine, I'm serious, now. Just one word to let me know you're okay.

11.01 P.M.

You're making me seem like the biggest stalker alive, Blaine. Now I'm getting worried. I'm calling you.

11.03 P.M.

No reply.

11.05 P.M.

No reply.

12.02 A.M.

Okay, last chance. It's after midnight. Text me back within the next ten minutes, or I'm coming over.

Voicemail left at 12.16 A.M.

Blaine. Jesus, Blaine, pick up, you asshole. I'm going to crash my car now and it'll be all your fault. Fuck. You had better not be just ignoring me because you're having one of your moods. Shit.. Oh my God, CAN YOU STAY ON YOUR OWN SIDE OF THE ROAD, WHAT THE FUCK? Damn. Blaine, I can't believe you're doing this. Ugh. Okay, I'm almost there. I'm hanging up. Oh, God. Please just be having one of your moods...

He felt as if he was rocking back and forth, his movements speeding up until he couldn't stop. But he wasn't moving. He was lying still. He felt the hard, cold ground beneath him and he tried to open his eyes, but it felt as if pressure was being pressed down on his skull every time he did.

The room was swaying with him in it and his body felt as if it was prickling all over and he was confused and lost and didn't know where he was, or what had happened, or what was going to happen.

He tried to open his eyes again, as he pushed himself up by the palms of his hands. Everything spun and a buzzing sound began to scream loudly in his ears. There was a sharp pain at the back of his head and the back of his neck ached. He fell back down to the ground, too weak to try to get up again. Just five more minutes sleep and he would be just fine.

Kurt cursed under his breath as he stopped his car outside Blaine's house. He knew something was wrong. He could feel it. He walked up the drive way, legs wobbling a little, his heart hammering in is chest. He felt as if cold water was running down his back. Blaine's car was there, which meant he was home. This was bad.

He tapped lightly on the door, hoping, praying to a God he didn't even believe in, that someone would come to it and tell him Blaine was fine, just sleeping, or something. Or better still, that Blaine himself would come to the door and tell him he was just mad. Mad was better than in trouble. Kurt would take mad.

Kurt waited for 3 minutes, his anxiety levels were through the roof. He remembered feeling exactly like this when he had been told his dad had had a heart attack. He remembered feeling like this all the way to the hospital.

He wondered if he should go home, let someone else worry, maybe one of his friends. Then Kurt remembered that Blaine's friends sucked. He shook his head and went around the side of the house, hoping the neighbours wouldn't think he was a burglar. That was when he saw the open window.

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