Wasting My Time On You

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"Dad," Kurt said, once Burt had picked up the phone.

"Hey, Kurt," Burt said, happily. "How's it going?"

"Fine," he said. "Where is he?"

Burt sighed. "In your room."

"Does he ever come out?"

Every time Kurt called, Burt told him Blaine was in his room. He refused to speak to him, never picked up the phone and Kurt hadn't heard a word from him since he had left two weeks earlier.

"When he gets hungry," Burt said. "And when he goes to work."

Kurt rolled his eyes. "Can't you trick him out? Make him think someone else is on the phone and then he'll be forced to talk to me?"

"Kurt," Burt said in a warning tone.

"Please, dad?" Kurt begged. "I just need to know he's okay."

"He's fine, I told you," Burt assured him. "Stop worrying."

"Just try for me," Kurt urged. "It's important."

Kurt had tried texting Blaine, telling him needed desperately to speak with him, but it was like Blaine knew. He'd gotten no reply.

"Fine," Burt sighed, tiredly, then shouted. "Blaine! Phone!"

A few minutes later, Kurt heard Blaine's muffled voice on the other end.

"I know it's him," he said. "I won't talk to him."

"Dad, put me on loud speaker."

Burt put him on loud speaker and Kurt suddenly felt nervous, but he had to talk to Blaine. He needed to.

"You asshole," were the first words he said. "Do you know what date it is?"

"I'll just leave you guys alone," Burt said, quietly and Kurt heard a shuffling sound, then a door closing. Now it was just him and Blaine.

"I know what date it is," Blaine said, flatly. It was good to hear his voice again. "Which is why I'm hanging up and going back downstairs."

"Don't you dare!" Kurt said, quickly. "I've been calling you every single day since I left."

"And I told you I wasn't going to pick up."

"You said you'd pick up if I said I needed you," Kurt pointed out.

"Yeah, but I knew why you needed to talk to me so badly today," Blaine shot back. "And I don't want to talk to you."

"You're being ridiculous," Kurt told him.

"Maybe," he mumbled. "But it's better this way."

There was complete silence for a few seconds, then Kurt spoke, "It doesn't feel like a year, does it?"

"Yes and no," Blaine said, quietly. "I feel like I just met you yesterday, but sometimes I feel like I've known you forever."

Kurt smiled, sadly. He had missed this, the way Blaine spoke, the things he said that Kurt never expected to hear him say. He wished he wouldn't shut him out, wished he would give in and talk to him again.

"Talk to me for today?" Kurt asked. "In celebration of us knowing each other a whole year?"

"I don't thi—"

"Please, Blaine?" Kurt said. "Please pick up the phone."

There was silence again, then Kurt heard more shuffling, a loud bleeping sound, followed by the faint sound of breathing.

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