I Already Have

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Something pressed down over his body and a dull pain shot across his ribs and he woke with a start and a small groan. He felt the mattress shifting beneath him and the covers shuffled next to him and then a shadow was looming over him and he blinked his eyes open.

"I'm sorry," a shaky voice said. "Damn. Are you okay?"

Kurt looked up at Blaine's concerned expression and smiled a little. "I'm fine," he told him. "You just surprised me, that's all."

Blaine nodded and his dark curls bobbed a bit. He settled back down and fell onto his side. He propped himself up on one elbow and looked down at Kurt, face still a mask of worry. Kurt lay there breathing as the pain decreased across his stomach.

"Can I..?" Blaine gestured towards Kurt's stomach and Kurt gave him a confused look, unsure of what he was asking, then he nodded, mostly because he was curious.

Kurt watched as Blaine reached up and gently tugged the covers down, until his entire upper body was on show. Kurt shivered, even though it wasn't cold. It was just that Blaine was blinking those long, dark lashes, as his copper gaze roved over his pale chest and all Kurt could do was stare back at him, trying to read what he was thinking.

"Don't.." Kurt gasped, quietly, when Blaine's right hand raised up and moved towards him.

"I wouldn't hurt you," Blaine told him, softly. "At least, not intentionally."

Kurt frowned, because Blaine was still beating himself up over everything that had occurred between them. He wanted to tell him it was okay, that he should forget about it, and he almost did, but he stopped himself, because what had happened wasn't okay and he shouldn't forget about it, at least not just yet. Blaine needed to remind himself of who he was and who he had once been and those memories were what would show him who he wasn't supposed to be.

Blaine's cool finger tips brushed slowly across Kurt's ribs and Kurt held his breath. He was docile, gentle, his fingers tracing over the ugly, pinkish-purplish, blotchy bruises. Kurt let out his breath with a quiet whimper when Blaine's fingers moved over his nipple and Blaine whispered a low 'sorry'. Kurt wanted to tell him not to apologise, that it hadn't been a bad whimper, but he didn't say anything, because he wasn't sure Blaine was apologising for just that.

Kurt blinked up at Blaine, who still had his eyes locked on Kurt's blemished torso. He had moved his hand and it was now lightly stroking Kurt's upper arm. Kurt shivered and felt goose bumps raising on his arms. He hoped Blaine would just think it was as a result of the cool air.

"I just want to take your pain away," Blaine told him, eyes finding Kurt's.

"Oh, I'll be okay," Kurt told him with a small smile.

"I know, you will," Blaine said. "But I wish we could go back, make sure none of the hurt ever happened."

Kurt eyed him for a minute. "Are we still talking about the bruising?" Blaine shrugged one shoulder, the right one, and sighed, tiredly. Kurt changed the subject then, because Blaine looked pained, his eyes sad. "So, today is the day."

Blaine nodded. "Yep," he affirmed. "I just want it over and done with."

"Think she'll cry?"

"No," Blaine chuckled. "No, she might hit me, though."

Kurt laughed then and it hurt, really hurt. He realised then that his entire body was aching, particularly his ass, because of obvious reasons. He grabbed his stomach and made a noise that sounded like an animal in pain and Blaine sat up a little, looking worried.

"Relax," Kurt choked out. "It's okay, it's just—If we're going to do this, you need to do me a favour."

"Anything," Blaine supplied.

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