I love you.

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Blaine was ignoring Kurt, who was shooting him looks from his seat, looks which seemed to question Blaine's sanity. Blaine's heart was hammering in his chest and his throat was dry, but he was done. He was so fed up with the pretences and with being afraid and with everything. Nothing mattered any more, he may as well just let it all out.

Blaine met Kurt's eyes briefly. Kurt gave him a small nod, which Blaine translated as are you sure? Blaine blinked once. Yes. He tore his eyes from Kurt's blue orbs and looked around the room, looking at everyone rather than anyone in particular.

"There have been a lot of rumours going around about me lately," Blaine spoke up. He could hardly hear himself over the fast paced beat of his heart. "And actually, most of them are true."

He saw everyone exchanging glances with one another, everyone but Kurt and Mercedes, who simply stared straight ahead.

"If you're wondering which ones," Blaine went on. "The one about Quinn not having my baby is true, as we just learned." Blaine glanced over at Puck, who was just watching him, eyes wide. "Also, yeah. I kind of love glee club. Playing football bores me to death. Let's see, what else?" Blaine paused. "Oh, right. The big one. The one that my good friend David Karofsky spread around."

Blaine saw Kurt's eyes flash. He knew he was thinking Blaine was about to out Karofsky as well as himself, but Blaine wasn't going to do that, he simply wanted to alarm Dave.

"If you don't know what I mean by 'the big one', I'll break that down for you," Blaine said. He wasn't sure where he was getting his courage from. Maybe he was just too tired of being a coward, of hiding in the shadows. It was time to come out. Literally. "David has been saying that I'm gay, right Dave?" Karofsky looked away quickly. "So, yeah. I am. I'm gay," Blaine emitted. "I'm gay."

Eyes widened and jaws dropped all over the room. Blaine saw Kurt exhaling, shoulders slumping a little.

"The other half of Dave's rumour," Blaine said, carefully. "Was that I was sleeping with Kurt, there."

All eyes went to Kurt and Kurt simply blinked, his blue gaze locked on Blaine.

"Partially true," Blaine confirmed. "I say 'partially', because I wasn't just sleeping with Kurt. I'm through lying, so I may as well just go ahead and tell you everything. Kurt made me do something I didn't ever think I would do. He made me love him. He made me love him and he made me realise I hated myself, because I did. I hate who I was before I met Kurt. I hate that I made all your lives a misery." He looked towards the glee club. "I hate that I went along with all of you and your stupidity." He looked across at the football team. "I hate that I was living a lie, that I was pretending I was someone else, just to conform to what you all thought I was supposed to be."

Nobody said a word, just watched him with stunned expressions.

"So, Kurt made me realise who I really am and I fell in love with him in the process," Blaine continued. "He's the only one who has been here for me no matter what, even though you guys were supposed to be my friends. I don't really have Kurt any more. I don't have friends. I've literally got nothing right now. So, whatever. Now you know."

Blaine took a long inhale, then exhaled slowly. "To re-cap: I'm gay, gayer than Christmas. I'm gay and I'm through with all of you." His copper eyes fell on Kurt, then. "Except you. I'll never be through with you."

Kurt opened his mouth, the beginning of Blaine's name on his lips, but he stopped then and simply shook his head.

"I love you," Blaine told him and his voice broke. "You got me here, Kurt. You helped me come clean, you're the reason I could do this today. And I thought that at the end of all this, I would at least still have you, which I guess I was wrong about, what with how everything has played out. But still, I owe you for everything. Thank you for what you've done for me. And I love you, I really, really do." Blaine swallowed, a lump forming in his throat. It didn't go away. "So, that's it really. I've said everything I needed to. I know there's still months to go, but I kind of hope I never see any of you ever again once we graduate." His eyes lingered on Kurt. He probably wasn't going to see Kurt after graduation, he didn't have a choice regarding that. "Well, most of you anyway."

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