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December 25th at 10.33 A.M.

To: Kurt.

I never did find out if you celebrated Christmas, but if you do, Merry Christmas and if you don't, have a good Tuesday. -Blaine.

December 25th at 10.36 A.M.

To: Blaine.

You and my dad both got me the same perfume. -Q.

December 25th at 10.37 A.M.

To: Blaine.

Merry Christmas, Blaine :) -Kurt.

December 25th at 10.41 A.M.

To: Kurt.

Hope your face is okay.

January 1st at 00.01 A.M.

To: Blaine.

Happy New Year, Blaine!

January 1st at 00.02 A.M.

To: Kurt.

Back atcha. I miss talking to you.

January 1st at 00.05 A.M.

To: Blaine.

Me, too. Not long now until school. I'll see you then.

January 1st at 00.06 A.M.

To: Kurt.

I guess.

January 1st at 00.11 A.M.

To: Blaine.

Cheer up, it's the new year! Plus, we're back to assignments, so it'll be back to our corner in the library, with whatsherface shooting us dirty looks. Don't tell me that's not cause for a smile.

January 1st at 00.15 A.M.

To: Kurt.

And this is why I miss you.


Morning. Quick text to tell you to get the word around the glee kids that they should bring extra clothes to school. Also, wear a hat, or something. I'm sorry. See you later-B.

Kurt raised his eyebrows and re-read the text six times, before sending a group message to everyone from glee club. Blaine never ceased to amaze him.


Kurt swung around from his locker to see Rachel running towards him, grinning from ear to ear. She flung her arms around him before he could open his mouth to speak.

"Eeeeek!" she squealed, squeezing Kurt harder.

"Rachel," Kurt choked out. "You're.. ow, Rachel."

"Oh!" Rachel pulled away, but her hands were still gripping Kurt's arms. "Sorry! How was your break?"

"Fine," Kurt said, slowly. "Why are you so happy?"

Rachel took a step back and Kurt couldn't help cringing at her outfit. She was wearing a chocolate brown sweater, with a white bear silhouette on it. A frilled collar extended from the round neck of her sweater. At the bottom was a knee-length, red and white plaid, tweed skirt. Over this, she wore a see-through raincoat. The hood was up and her perfectly straight, dark hair fell down past her shoulders and stopped with a straight edge. She wore pristine white, knee socks and black, patent leather, shoes with thick straps across them, which closed at the sides with small gold buckles.

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