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"I—can't, we—can't," Blaine said, sliding his hand out from underneath Kurt's shirt, the tips of his fingers placing tiny butterfly kisses all along Kurt's stomach as he went, sending small electric shocks all along his skin.

"Okay," Kurt breathed, flopping back against Blaine's pillows, his vision ever so slightly blurred. His lips felt bruised and his heart was beating wildly in his chest. "Okay."

Blaine fell back, too, his head flat on the bed rather than resting on the pillows. Kurt found it a little amusing that Blaine had broken away first, saying they couldn't, since Blaine had been the one doing all the touching. Kurt had simply sat with his back to Blaine's headboard, his fingers entwined in those silky curls and allowed Blaine's hands to explore various areas of his exposed skin, his fingers moving slowly and cautiously.

They lay there, breathing for a long time and then Kurt sat up and looked down at the other boy, his letterman jacket now in a pile on the floor, his cheeks flushed a dusty shade of pink. Blaine stared up at him through a canopy of full, dark lashes, those golden brown eyes dilated and bright. Kurt smiled, sadly, because Blaine looked so vulnerable like this. He liked when Blaine was vulnerable and real with him. Moments like these helped ease Kurt's mind every time he questioned himself about why he kept forgiving Blaine time and time again. When he thought of Blaine like this, he knew he wasn't making a mistake—or at least, he hoped he wasn't.

"Are you okay?" Kurt asked, softly.

"Yeah, it's just—that keeps happening," he said a little breathlessly. "Doesn't it?"

Kurt chuckled and nodded. "Yeah," he said. "It seems like it. Is it time for you to jump up and panic and then run out of the house?"

Blaine twisted his face in confusion, but he was smiling, which was a good sign and definitely an improvement to previous reactions.

"No," he informed Kurt. "Besides, this is my house, remember?"

"Oh, yeah," Kurt found himself grinning. He felt relieved that Blaine hadn't reacted badly and demanded he leave. "I remember now," Kurt said, grabbing the stiff schedule with his picture in the corner and holding it up for Blaine to see. "I definitely don't have this stuck to any walls in my house."

Blaine's jaw dropped open and he laughed. He leaned up and snatched the piece of paper from Kurt and smoothened it out. Kurt watched as he climbed off the bed and went towards his notice board. He pinned it back where it had been before. Kurt raised an eyebrow.

"What?" Blaine said, sitting back down, his face a mask of innocence."I'm too used to having it there, now, so there it will stay," he declared.

Kurt's heart leapt a little as he nodded and smiled, timidly. Something about Blaine having his picture, even a picture that was faded and creased, filled him with some sort of pleasure and happiness.

"So, I don't mean to be a stick in the mud, here, or whatever," Kurt said, then, his voice a little hoarse. He cleared his throat, then continued. "But how are you going to tell your—friends about you joining glee?"

Blaine's head shot up, quickly, his eyes widening with alarm.

"I hadn't thought of that," he said, voice catching. "Shit."

"Anderson!" Blaine heard a voice echoing down the hallways of McKinley. He turned to see Puckerman running towards him, shoving kids out of the way. Blaine knew what was coming, he felt his heart beat speeding up. He took a deep breath and waited for Puck to reach him. When he did, he gave Blaine a quizzical expression. "Well?" he said. "What's this I hear about you joining those glee losers?"

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