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"Finn asked me to prom!"

Kurt, Mercedes, Tina, Santana and Brittany sat there in silence, just watching Rachel.

"That was your big announcement?" Mercedes asked.

Rachel's wide grin faded and she looked confused. "Yes," she said. "I don't understand, this is big news! I wanted to share it with my girls." Kurt raised a thin brow. "And Kurt!" she added, quickly.

"Rachel, Finn is your boyfriend," Tina said. "Of course he asked you to prom. Just like Mike asked me."

"I'm going with Sam," Mercedes grinned and her statement was followed by a loud chorus of shrill screams.

Kurt was happy for Mercedes, but he couldn't help feeling down. He missed Blaine and it seemed as if everyone had a boyfriend, but him. Kurt sighed and sat back, wondering at what point in the future he would be over this and ready to move on. He came up with nothing.

"Look, you know me by now," Blaine said, following the librarian down the counter, as she went to file papers. "Sure, I vomited one timeand it's not as if I could help that. Where's your sense of romance?"

"L232," she said, pointing towards the shelves.

"What—no," Blaine shook his head. "That's not what I meant. I know where the romance section is, I've been sitting there since September. I vomited there." He paused as she gave him an unamused look. "Okay, not helping. Look, I just need you to make sure no one else sits there. Just for like, ten minutes. Please."

The librarian sighed, tiredly and laid a stack of paper down on her desk. "Okay," she said. "Fine, but any longer than that and the deal's off."

"Really? Thank you!" Blaine beamed. "I promise to stop being loud and to stop laughing and being a nuisance while I'm here. And I'll never vomit here again! Thank you!"


Hey. Wanna meet me in the library at 6 and we can get that assignment done? -Blaine.

Kurt pushed the library door open and walked in, the familiar scent of old books hitting him the moment he stepped inside. The library was empty, as usual, only the librarian perched in her chair behind the counter, her thin, wire, gold-framed glasses sitting on her nose as she studied a book. She glanced up at Kurt, then looked back down at her book. Kurt turned to walk towards their usual table, but found that Blaine was not yet there.

Kurt rolled his eyes, sighed and went towards the table to sit and wait. However, when Kurt reached the table, he stopped. There was something sitting on the table, right in front of the chair that Kurt usually sat in. He stood there for another couple of seconds, then went forward to see what it was.

When he sat into his seat, Kurt saw that a small scrap of paper was sitting there. On top of the paper, was a single orange rose and also a pool of familiar silver links. Kurt furrowed his eyebrows and unfolded the scrap of paper, slowly and quietly, because he was, after all, in a public library.

Kurt squinted down at the page and read the messily scrawled words.

Hi, Kurt :)

I'm not there, obviously, which means I lied and we said no more lies, but this is a good kind of lie, even if that might not be possible. But hopefully you think it's a good kind, too.

I'm just going to get to the point, because I asked the librarian (God, we are always there, why don't we know her name by now?) to keep the table free for like, ten minutes. I bet there's no one there, though. I bet it's just you. It's always just you, anyway. Always just you.

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