Chapter 6 Pt. 1

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Love that is not madness is not love.


There's a stranger in my bed,

There's a pounding in my head

Glitter all over the room

Pink flamingos in the pool

I smell like a minibar

DJ's passed out in the yard

Barbie's on the barbecue

This a hickey or a bruise

Last Friday night

Yeah, we danced on tabletops

And we took too many shots

Think we kissed but I forgot

Chapter 6

 "You missed a spot," Faith sneered as I bent down on my hands and knees to scrub the floor clean of all alcoholic substances...with a toothbrush.

Faith was furious.

Not only was she making us clean up our mess from last night, she's also going to tell each and every one of our parents. I was ashamed whenever I thought about my parents actions last night but now I've no room to talk now that I've done pretty much the same thing.

"Come on, scruba dub dub! You did this to yourself!" Faith yelled around the room.

"Alright Faith, we get it!" Gretchen yelled from where she was picking up broken shards of glass.

My hair kept falling into my face and I pulled a piece behind my ear, cringing when I felt pain from my stomach. I couldn't believe I had woken up with blonde highlights, painted nails, a belly button piercing, shaved legs, and an anklet. And I'm blaming it all on the alcohol. So much for holding my liquor.

I almost screamed when the walking vessel of STDs came and poked me in the stomach.

"You know that's a clip on right?" Clay asked me as he took the fake and pulled it from my navel.

"Ouch!" I cried and then hit him in the chest as he held it up for me to see.

"Shame, you looked insanely hot with this on your stomach." He winked at me before going to throw out that darn clip on which wasn't suppose to hurt that much!

Maybe it was just because I slept on it. I shrugged and rubbed my stomach one last time before going over to a passed out Arricka. Her mouth was open and she was snoring loudly although no saliva was escaping from the corner of her mouth.

"Riki." I teased and then kicked her on the side of the chair she was sleeping in.

Her head snapped up and she looked around precariously as if she was unsure of where she had ended up for the night.

"Where is here?" she asked me squinting.

"The aftermath of the after party." I threw her a toothbrush. "Now get cleaning, we have to finish up before Richard's uncle gets here."

Riki scrambled to her feet, swaying when the blood rushed to her hair and then went to work on the spilled Miscata. I sighed and then went over to Axel who was cleaning the windows from all of the greasy fingerprints that invaded it's glossy surface.

I took a look around the room, there was upturned furniture and glasses with leftover alcohol were scattered across the bar. Clay was busy disposing of every single beer bottle that was splayed across the floor, most of them were next to our bed which fills me with a sense of nausea

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